Gym memberships, diet supplements, and healthy food all cost quite a lot of money. Unfortunately, many of us on a weight loss journey don’t have unlimited funds to dedicate to our goal. However, there are plenty of little healthy habits you can practice to maximize your weight loss efforts. These are simple, easy, and affordable things you can do without making any drastic changes to your lifestyle or diet. Whether your regimen is working just fine, or your results have slowed recently, here are the most recommended habits you should try.
– Curb hunger with water: before eating, whether at home or when you’re out, drink two cups of water prior to your meal. Water fills you up, which makes it easier to eat less, which also means you’re consuming fewer calories. A study proved those who drank water before eating ate considerably less than those who did now.
– Practice healthy eating habits: from the time of day you eat, to how fast you eat can all affect your weight. Those who eat at the same time each day were proven to weigh less than those who ate without a schedule; this allows your body to burn more fat and sugar, and is a simple change many of us can accommodate. Another change you can easily make, that doesn’t affect your diet, is taking the time to eat slower. The hormones that make us feel full are created more effectively when we eat slowly, meaning we will eat less than if we are distracted and eating quickly. As for your exercise regimen, consider working out before you eat in the morning. Glucose tolerance, which motivates your body to burn off unwanted fat, is at it’s peak when you exercise on an empty stomach. Which brings us to our next point: be sure to eat breakfast on a daily basis. Breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day, and makes a difference long term in your overall weight. Eat a breakfast that will provide you with the energy you need to get through the day.
– Drink more tea: tea has long been known for all it’s health benefits, the most recent of which is it’s ability to aid in weight loss. Tea, especially white and green, provide an abundance of antioxidants, which help keep weight off through out the years.
– Face the truth: the scale is a scary thing, and although it can feel counter productive and discouraging, a study has proven that those who monitored their weight every week lost more than those who didn’t. If there are fluctuations in your weight, you will know what to change, or keep the same, in your regimen. Use the loss you see as motivation to keep up your efforts, and use the gain you see to change up your diet or work out to avoid added pounds. Weighing yourself weekly keeps you from any unwanted surprises, that make it harder to bounce back and shed the weight once more. Step on the scale and keep track of your progress, and adjust your lifestyle accordingly.
This post was written by Holly Adams from If you are thinking about using the weight loss tips above, check for a Thomson discount code first – they have many special offers on health & fitness holidays designed to get you in shape.
Nice article, I agree with all. Before meal can be drunk water or sparkling water, but second isn’t recommended for people with stomach disorders. Drinking water really works.
Drinking green tea and mineral water help much in losing the weight. I totally agree with you.