Depression is a state of unhappiness. It is a very dangerous situation since chronic depression can lead to mental disorders and even low self-esteem that could drive people towards suicide. It is true that people have different ways of responding to negative situations. There are some who find it so easy to just shrug off negative situations, stand up like nothing happened, … [Read more...]
Depression in teenagers: artistic expression of their feelings can help them
Depression is a complex phenomenon. Many explanations have been given for it. In this article I will study the relationship between feelings and depression in teenagers. It’s commonly believed that the teenage years are characterised by intense and hard-to-control feelings. Teenagers are often seen as problem-makers, unless they obey perfectly the expectations of … [Read more...]
10 Healthcare Tweetchats to Participate In
Healthcare is a very hot issue right now. In the US, changes are being implemented every day thanks to Obamacare and the largest overhaul to our healthcare system since the creation of Medicare. Doctors are working together to come up with lower cost solutions to common treatments, and breakthroughs are made all the time globally, creating cures and vaccines for the most … [Read more...]
Writing Therapy for Depression
The plethora of websites, blogs, and e-journals developed by people suffering from depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions is perhaps evidence for a phenomenon that writers have known for centuries: writing therapy. Recently supported by research studies and mental health specialists alike, writing is increasingly being recognized as a supplemental or … [Read more...]
Dealing with Depression: 6 Potential Side Effects of Pet Therapy
Depression is a complex mental disorder not yet fully understood by the medical community. It is also a multi-billion dollar business, as evidenced by the many print and TV ads that promote various pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of depression. Certainly drug therapy, when used in addition to psychotherapy, can play an important role in helping those with depression … [Read more...]
Pros and Cons of Using Antidepressants
Many people suffer from depression, even young children. Psychiatric therapy is no longer the closely-guarded secret of the rich and bored. Literally all urban dwellers undergo therapy and medication for depression at some point or the other. But are antidepressants safe? What are the pros and cons of taking anti-depressants, especially if you are a child? What Is … [Read more...]
Is Facebook healthy? – Facebook depression
Doctors have added "Facebook depression" to the list of potential diseases associated with social media, referring to the fact that there are obsessed teens who spend much time on the website. However, so far still can not agree whether this is only part of the depression that some children feel during puberty or the condition that caused excessive "consumption" internet … [Read more...]