The planet is covered in water and yet, only 0.3% of the water on Earth is available for human consumption. This water goes around in circles, being consumed by us, expelled by us, evaporated, and returning to the ground as rain. Of course, it then travels from its landing point to reservoirs to be cleaned before it returns to our faucets.

The problem is that water picks up contaminants while it’s traveling. Water treatment works are designed to remove debris, contaminants, and kill bacteria. However, it is possible for the water to pick up more contaminants between the treatment center and your home.
You should also be aware that there are questions regarding the addition of chlorine and fluoride to the water. Chlorine is very effective at killing bacteria but it also can damage human respiratory systems, especially if you suffer from allergies.
Fluoride is added to strengthen teeth and bones but recent research suggests there could be an increased risk of cancer if you consume fluoride.
That’s why many homes are turning to water specialists, such as this one in reverse osmosis Sydney, to have water filters fitted at home.
Boiled Water Is Not The Same
Boiling water is encouraged in a wilderness or survival situation. The process of boiling kills many bacteria, making the water safer to drink. After all, it’s bacteria that will have the fastest effect on you, making you sick.
But, boiling your water doesn’t remove other contaminants, such as heavy metals, minerals, and chemicals. These are all still present and can have a negative effect on your long-term health. It is worth noting that it will remove chlorine which could be beneficial.
In short, boiled water is not the same as filtered water. It won’t remove all the contaminants but it is better than nothing as it will kill bacteria and other pathogens in the water.
Don’t forget that for the bacteria to be killed you’ll need to boil the water for several minutes. If t just reaches boiling point it won’t be enough to kill bacteria, you’ll want to boil it for 5-10 minutes each time. That’s not a practical option.
Distilled Water
It’s worth noting that distilled water offers the purest water on the planet, and it is boiled water.
The difference is that you’re not boiling the water and drinking the water that has been heated for several minutes, Instead, you’re boiling the water and capturing the steam.
As the water boils it turns to steam, its gaseous form. It does this at a lower temperature than the contaminants in the water. You’ll need some plastic above the boiling water. The steam hits this and cools, returning to a liquid state. You simply need to collect this water in a clean container and you’ll have pure water to drink.
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