Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin, scalp, and nails. Skin infection with ringworms is the most common kind with children. Since it is a contagious disease, timely treatment of ringworm is required. Psoriasis is a life-threatening condition but treatable through home remedies for ringworm as well as through both homeopathic and allopathic medications.
What Exactly Are Ringworms?
There is no worm involved in ringworm infection, unlike the name was given to it! The circular, ring-like lesions caused by the infection give it the name “ringworm.” Ringworms are several types that cause infection of the skin. The skin of any part of the human body can get infected by ringworms. The most common symptoms include raised patches on the skin which turn reddish in colour. They cause excessive itching and can even become scaly. The patches on skin grow and have raised corners. In some cases, ringworm infection can lead to the formation of blisters, and some liquid might also ooze out from the patch.
Types of Ringworms
Feet | Tineapedis |
Groin | Tineacruris |
Scalp | Tineacapitis |
Hand | Tineamanus |
Nail | Tineaunguium |
Face | Tinea faciei |
Symptoms of Ringworm Infection
The common symptoms of a ringworm infection include the development of circular and ring-like patches on the infected area. The fungus can survive on the dead skin cells of the body. The symptoms will only start appearing about five to ten days after the initial exposure. The patches will continue to grow. Raised borders of the blisters will be formed. Hair loss is a common side effect caused by a ringworm infection.
How to Cure Ringworms?
Ringworm is a fungal infection and therefore has the marvelous capability to spread to the infected individual’s uninfected body parts. Ringworms are extremely contagious. If the ringworm is left untreated, it can lead to significant complications. There are many home remedies to treat ringworms which are completely safe and efficient.
Usage of Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil is an essential oil used for the active treatment of feet ringworms at home. Tea tree oil has anti-fungal properties, and hence it finds usage in treating many skin problems. Regularly soaking cotton balls in warm tea tree oil and applying the patches will help in getting rid of the ringworm infection.
Garlic Extract for Ringworms:
Garlic naturally contains anti-fungal properties. One of the most useful ringworm home remedies is to use garlic. A peeled garlic clove, cut into thin slices, then applied and wrapped with a bandage over the patches. Best results are through on overnight exposure to garlic. It can be used regularly to obtain the best results.
Apple Cedar Vinegar:
Apple cedar vinegar is a common ingredient at home in salad dressings. It is one of the best home remedies for aiding weight loss and for keeping a check on blood pressure. In addition to these remarkable benefits of apple cedar vinegar, it has natural anti-fungal properties. It must be applied several times during the day till the patches completely diminish.
Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is popular among people for accelerating hair growth, treating dandruff and dry scalp, etc. Since coconut oil moisturizes the skin, it is used to treat itching and making the skin soft and smooth. Coconut oil is one of the most important ringworm home remedies for treating scalp infections by the overnight application.
Coconut oil has many benefits if it is used on a regular basis. It is beneficial for hair, skin and the overall health of an individual.
Jojoba Oil and Lavender Oil:
A mixture of lavender oil & jojoba oil is used to treat the ringworm infection in babies. The mixture is one of the safest and most soothing remedies to treat the disease. The mixture will not only inhibit the growth of the fungus but also kills it altogether. Hence, the most efficient home remedies.
Mustard Seeds:
Mustard seeds are the tiny black seeds found in everyone’s kitchen. These small seeds can be used to treat ringworms substantially. Soak the seeds in water for about 30 minutes and then grind the soaked seeds into a thick paste. This mixture application on the ringworm infection is useful for relieving the itching and irritation caused due to the infection.
One of the simplest answers to the question how to cure ringworm is by using turmeric. Turmeric is a very commonly found ingredient in our kitchen. Turmeric has excellent antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Fresh turmeric can be applied on the infected areas at least thrice daily until the infection completely disappears.
Vinegar and Salt:
Making a thick paste of vinegar with salt is an efficient remedy to treat ringworms. The disease mostly vanishes in about a week time.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is extensively involved in the hair and skin care requirements of most people. Aloe Vera is a natural anti-fungal agent which significantly treats not just ringworms but also other skin infections. Apply the Aloe Vera gel directly on the infected areas overnight.
Colloidal Silver:
Colloidal silver is completely natural and safe for usage. It works for the treatment of many infections caused due to microorganisms. Both the gel as well as the liquid form can be used to treat ringworm at least twice daily till the infection completely vanishes.
Lemongrass Tea:
Lemongrass tea is an effective remedy for reducing the itching and irritation caused by ringworm infection. A glass of lemongrass tea needs to be drunk at least thrice by the individual infected by ringworm. Also, the used tea bags can be applied on the infected skin patches to give a soothing effect.
Myrrh is an excellent anti-fungal agent utilized for the treatment of ringworms. A paste by mixing equal quantities of myrrh and golden-seal with few drops of water must be applied thrice daily for best results.
Olive leave:
Olive oil is very famous among people, and almost every part of the olive tree has some or the other health benefits. Olive leaves act as an effective home cure for ringworm. It has remarkable antifungal properties and helps in boosting the body’s immune system.
Homeopathic Remedies for Ringworm
The conventional treatment of ringworm involves the use of anti-fungal medications and creams for application on the infected skin. However, it is important to understand that ringworm is a fungal infection and can reoccur.
The regular medication will effectively treat the infection but will not eradicate it completely. Hence many people turn towards homeopathic remedies for ringworm. They not only treat the ringworm infection but help in getting rid of it entirely.
The most commonly administered homeopathic remedies for ringworm are Sepia, Sulfur, and RhusToxicodendron. These treatments are mild and safe for usage. The treatment needs to be taken for a longer duration of about few weeks to a month for completely eradicating the infection.
Safety and Precautionary Measures
Now that we all have understood that ringworm is a fungal infection, it is crucial to comprehend that it is very tough to eliminate it altogether. There are many natural remedies for ringworm listed above, and you must keep in mind to consult a physician as well. The scalp, fingernails and toenails infection take more time to subside than the other infections.
While making use of any of the home remedies, it is essential to clean your hands before application. The skin needs to be washed thoroughly, and the bedding and clothes must be clean. It is also imperative to make sure that the bed sheets and nightwear must be changed every day so as to avoid the infection to spread to other parts of the body. Apart from home treatment of ringworm, you must simultaneously use allopathic medication as well.
If there are any pet animals at home, then it is vital to treat them as well, lest the infection might reoccur. Just like there are home remedies for ringworm in humans, there are treatment measures for animals as well. Keeping a clean and sanitary environment is the key to the healthy wellbeing of any individual.
When attending a pool party or going to the gym, make sure that you wear proper sandals and shoes. It is best to avoid touching any animal that has bald patches on its skin as it can cause a fungal infection which can spread quite fast. Another very vital factor is to have healthy and nutritious food. Fungal and viral infections will take their own time to heal, and hence a healthy immune system will guard you against them!
I use coconut oil to treat ringworm because it is safe and contains no harmful bacteria.