Tinea versicolor is a typical skin disease characterized by skin rashes on the trunk and some regions of the body.
According to the dermatologists, the disease is caused by some types of fungal infections. The disease can spread to large areas of body skin if remained untreated for a considerable time.
According to the medical practitioners, the disease is generally seen in people with some forms of skin disorder, though weak immune system can also be one of the potential factors behind the disease. Let us discuss here various aspects of the disorder in detail.
#1. What leads to tinea versicolor?
It is the typical skin disease which is caused by a fungal infection. As the recent medical research indicates the disorder is mainly caused by a fungus named as malassezia globosa. Only for a small number of cases, another fungus called Malassezia furfur is held responsible. Actually these funguses or yeasts are found in a majority of people and they only cause skin rashes in a certain environmental condition, mostly in hot and humid condition. People with oily skin type and people who sweat a lot are more vulnerable to this disorder. People with any type of skin can be affected by the disease, but most notably teens and young adults are seen more vulnerable than other age groups.
#2. Is it Infectious?
Though skin rashes are caused due to fungal infections, the disorder is not contagious to spread from one person to another. Until now, no transmission of the disorder has been observed among people.
#3. What are the home remedies?
Maintaining basic skin hygiene is the first and foremost priority to combat the disorder naturally. Excessive sweating and oily skin condition coupled up with hot and humid weather is the main cause of the disease in majority of cases. There is an array of over-the-counter anti-fungal skin care products that can quickly give you relief but for a better skin care and a permanent relief from the disease you can apply some great natural herbal products like aloe vera, baking powder, etc.
Aloe vera is a natural sunburn treatment and can fight any type of fungal infection most effectively. Aloe vera ingredients such as salicylic acid, sulphur, cinnamic acid, lupeol, phenol and urea nitrogen are very effective in treating the skin condition. Applying baking soda during shower can produce great benefits for treat the disease. Baking soda is known to have great antacid properties and it is very helpful in cleaning a certain area because of its acidic content. For clearing the fungal yeasts from the skin baking soda can work like magic.
#4. What are the other alternatives if the home remedy fails?
In case home remedies fail to produce any significant improvement in your case, thorough medical treatment should be the appropriate course of action.
Generally anti-fungal creams and an array of external products are prescribed. Clotrimazole cream or lotion, miconazole cream, selenium sulfide shampoo, terbinafine cream or gel are some of the commonly prescribed products for the external use. Anti-fungal pills are only prescribed in serious or recurring cases of the disease and should be taken only after consultation with a medical practitioner.
#5. Is it possible that my child suffers from disease for life time?
If you address the disorder properly with medical treatment and daily lifestyle habits, it is unlikely that the disease would make someone suffer for the entire life. Remember though treatment of the disease can completely remove the fungal infection from the body, the discoloration of the skin may take some time to recover and get back to its normal color.
Brendon Buthello is specialized in writing content for health and fitness. He has gained a lot of knowledge from the same and wants to share some helpful options for tinea versicolor remedies.
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