Hemorrhoids or piles are inflamed and swollen veins located on the lower rectum and around the anus. These can be found right inside the rectum or these may develop under the skin surrounding the anus. Hemorrhoids can affect anyone at one point in life, especially those who are usually seated for a long period of time. The condition is also common in women during and after giving birth.
The weight due to the developing child can increase a woman’s risk of developing uterus during pregnancy and up to six weeks after giving birth. Aside from that, pregnant women usually have increased blood circulation in their veins during this time and a decrease on this blood circulation can then result to swollen veins. Chronic constipation, which is also very common during pregnancy, can also increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids and childbirth may irritate the condition further.
Hemorrhoids after giving birth usually last up to six weeks. Traumatic deliveries or giving birth to heavy babies may also result to the development of hemorrhoids that usually appear the day following the delivery. Aside from that, women who underwent episiotomy are more susceptible to developing hemorrhoids as well. The couple of days or weeks after childbirth are the time when women are usually constipated, thus aggravating hemorrhoids conditions.
Hemorrhoids after giving birth can easily be prevented by following a high fiber diet and consuming lots of water or other fluids. These will assist in reducing the risk of constipation and straining when moving bowels. Walking or performing Kegel exercises several weeks after pregnancy should also be practiced in order to relieve constipation and reduce the risk of having hemorrhoids. However, when exercising, make sure that lifting heavy weights is avoided. Kegel exercises are helpful exercises strengthening the muscles in the pelvic area. These muscles are responsible for supporting the bladder, the urethra, rectum and uterus. Kegel exercises are helpful not just in preventing hemorrhoids, but in making childbirth easier and for bladder control as well.
The treatment for hemorrhoids is usually aimed at treating constipation, as it is the root cause of the condition after pregnancy. Consuming foods high in fiber is recommended in order to relieve straining during bowel movements. When in the toilet, avoid doing things that can prolong the sitting time and aggravate the condition, such as reading or smoking. You can use sitz bath regularly or apply cold compress to the affected area to relieve swelling and inflammation.
Using witch hazel pads is also helpful in relieving the burning sensation and the itching associated with the condition. In case the condition worsens, make sure to consult your physician for other treatment methods. Take note that severe cases of hemorrhoids may require surgery at times. The surgical removal of the inflamed and swollen veins can provide permanent relief against the condition. Before opting for a surgical procedure, make sure to discuss it thoroughly with your physician.
Hemorrhoidectomy is the most common and traditional way for the removal of hemorrhoids. However, laser coagulation or rubberband ligation can also be opted for. Take note that the procedure that will be conducted depends on where the hemorrhoids are located – internal or external. It is also necessary to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure before making a choice. Your physician should also provide you information regarding the recovery period for each surgical procedure.
Author Bio: Luanne Dulay is a researcher who likes to write about different health conditions such as hemorrhoids and others. For more facts and information about hemorrhoids, visit http://www.hemorrhoidsinsider.com today.
As simple as it may sound, water is one of the most important factors in easing the pain you experience from hemorrhoids. Apply warm water to the affected area for at least 10 minutes a day.
True. Lots of water in the diet will help a lot too. Thanks.