Nerve damage is usually permanent, unless it caught as the nerves are degenerating. The associated pain can be debilitating and significantly reduce someone’s quality of life. Medication exists, but this usually comes with uncomfortable side effects and most people want to avoid it as long as possible, not in the least because the next step is surgery. One way to do this is by looking at your diet, something that you should consider proactively, helping you to avoid nerve damage in the first place.
Mother Nature has provided us with everything that we need to help us maintain excellent overall health. Added to this is modern technological developments such as the best carpal tunnel brace available |, and you may just be able to avoid medication and surgery altogether. But which foods should you focus on for this?
Foods Rich in Vitamin B12
Many foods and minerals aid tissue repair, but none are as good as those rich in vitamin B12. This is because this vitamin helps build the fat layers around the nerves, protecting them from damage. Specifically, it helps strengthen the Myelin Sheath, stopping the nerves from being affected by external forces. Top foods that contain this vitamin include fortified cereals, yogurt, cod, tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
Foods Rich in Vitamin B1
Another essential vitamin is B1, which provides fuel to the muscular and nervous system. It turns carbohydrates into pure energy, and it creates the ATP molecule, which every cell needs to transfer the energy required for metabolism. Some of the rich vitamin B1 foods that fight pain naturally include lentils, green peas, black beans, navy beans and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B6
The next vitamin is B6, but you have to make sure you don’t get too much of it. B6, if over-consumed, can cause nerve damage. Hence, you should not have more than 100 milligrams per day. It is virtually impossible to consume more than this through food alone, but if you also take supplements, you may be at risk. Top foods can help repair nerve damage with vitamin B6 include spinach, chicken, salmon, tuna, and fortified cereals.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6 helps the body use vitamin B12, and vitamin B2 helps the body to use vitamin B6. This is why they are all so important. If you lack any of these three B vitamins, you will start to develop problems. The best food for nerve pain with vitamin B2 include almonds, asparagus, spinach, beet greens, and soybeans.
Other essential nutrients that you need to protect your nerves and reverse at least some nerve damage includes omega 3 (soybeans, sardines, salmon, walnuts, and flax seeds), ginger, potassium and magnesium (quinoa, fresh fruits, beans and peas, pumpkin seeds, and spinach), and antioxidants (fish, beans, dark green vegetables, walnuts, and blueberries). But by far the most important thing to remember is that you drink plenty of water every day, enabling your body to get rid of any harmful toxins in your system.
Amazing list of healthy foods, great blog, nice post, good read and informative. Learn a lot of stuff today.