Thrombosis is a condition which affects many people throughout their lives. It occurs when cholesterol builds up in your veins, and as a result you end up with a blood clot. This can cause pain in your muscles as oxygen cannot get to your cells, and can be fatal if the clot dislodges and finds it’s way into one of your vital organs.
Like most illnesses of this type, DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) is often caused by obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, high blood pressure and the intake of copious amounts of alcohol. However, thrombosis can also be caused by some unexpected issues- and you could find yourself at risk from this condition even if you are otherwise fit and healthy. The other causes can include:
- Dehydration
- Recent Pregnancy
- Birth Control Pills
- Varicose Veins
- Prolonged Immobility (due to chronic or sudden injury)
Although thrombosis is a scary illness which can be fatal if left untreated, if you do find out early enough it is perfectly easy to treat and stay on top of.
The Signs Of DVT
Some of the most common symptoms a sufferer may experience with thrombosis is swelling, tenderness, leg pain and even discoloration of the skin. The only issue is that a lot of the time if the clot is not in one of your extremities, you may not exhibit any symptoms at all.
If you don’t see the signs of DVT, it could lead to the clot finding its way to your lungs and causing what’s known as a pulmonary embolism. The signs to look out for with an embolism are shortness of breath, sharp chest pain which worsens over time, and a rapid pulse. If you ever cough up blood, then you need to call the emergency services immediately.
Protect Yourself
One of the first things you need to do is take a test to assess your risk of the disease and discuss the results with your doctor. If you have high blood pressure you may be more susceptible to the condition as your blood is already thicker than if you have lower blood pressure. To help increase the circulation of blood around your body, you may be given a pair of compression socks which will put pressure on your legs and push the blood around your body.
Another factor to increase your heart’s strength as well as your circulation is to get up and walk around regularly. If you are in an office job you might find that you are sat down for 90% of the day- but try to force yourself up and out of your seat at regular intervals to keep your heart moving and your blood pumping through the body.
Finally, diet is key to preventing most illnesses- but with thrombosis it is even more crucial. Cholesterol is a huge factor in thrombosis, and if you eat a lot of it you are heightening your risk a lot. To reduce the risk and allow yourself to stay healthy you need to eat less saturated fat and concentrate on eating plenty of fresh fruit and veg.
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