Constipation during pregnancy is very common and it is quite an unpleasant challenge to overcome the same.
While adding more fiber helps, you also have to concentrate on the quality of fiber as more fiber may mean more flatulence, another unpleasant circumstance to overcome during this time. So, what do you do? How do you get pregnancy constipation relief?
Acupuncturist or reflexologist sees it with a different perspective, they think that pregnant women suffer from constipation as there is a blockage of energy, or Qi, in your large intestine. Acupressure is a natural technique and offers significant relief without any side-effects. Just by activating a few points you can restart the flow of energy in your body and help you get rid of the constipation symptoms.
Acupressure for Constipation Relief during Pregnancy
Acupressure is not a recent phenomenon, it has been there for over 3000 years. It treats the body in a completely different way and is specifically good for pregnant women. And it does not only take care of your physical health but also takes into aspect your mind, body, and spirit, as they are all interconnected in some way.
So, how does Chinese medicine work? We can take a good look at acupressure points for constipation relief during pregnancy. According to Chinese medicine, when the flow of Qi starts stagnating or becomes too dry, there is constipation. There are a number of reasons why you may suffer from constipation during pregnancy. Some of the reasons are low iron levels and women then have to resort to supplements to treat the same, which leads to system blockage. The heat in the body increases manifold leading to dry stools. Your large intestine energy is then blocked especially when you bundle up in your dietary and exercise regime.
If you get to the bottom of the problem, the treatment of acupressure or Acupuncture will help activate the somnolent channels or meridians to re-regulate your bowel movements.
Best Acupressure Points for Constipation
Thankfully, there is something you can try to get relief from this trying condition, yes, the holistic acupressure system can provide ample relief. It is not safe to strain when you pass your stools during pregnancy. Activate the best acupressure points for constipation and get relief without resorting to umpteen laxatives. The acupressure points lie on energy channels known as meridians which makes up a person’s anatomy. (according to Chinese medicine)
These acupressure points are particularly effective when the constipation condition is mild and then you can self-treat your way to having regular bowel movements without straining. But if your condition is more severe, you can seek the help of an experienced acupuncturist to treat the condition in a better way.
When fine needles are inserted in different meridian points it helps to remove blockages, does away with deficiencies and clear excesses in meridians to bring the body back to balance. You will find 12 main meridians in the human body, and they are all interconnected to the inner organs. Qi flows through these meridians.
Is acupressure more like a massage? Not really, you put sustained pressure on certain points in the body to heal many health conditions. Activating these points will help restart the flow in the body helping moisture to reach the dry areas of the body.
The San Jiao number six (SJ-6) point in your outer arm is great for treating constipation during pregnancy. Know more about this point and how you can activate it.
SJ-6 Acupressure Point
This meridian is a great way to regulate the water passages of your body. So, how will you find the SJ-6 point? Find the point in the middle of your outer wrist crease, the side that is exposed to the sun. With the help of four fingers of your other hand and put those across from your wrist crease inching towards your arm.
You will find this in the middle of your arm right at the edge of your four fingers. It’s exactly 3 cun [1cun is equivalent to the width of your thumb] from your wrist crease to the lateral aspect of the arm. You will find the location of the radius and the extensor digitorum communis muscle towards the edge of the radius.
You will be able to locate the acupressure points mirroring on either side of the acupressure points. Now, put deep pressure on these points, if you feel a slight pain in the areas, you will know that you have hit the exact point. But if you are not so lucky the first time, try to move towards the elbow crease and try once again. You’ll have to keep searching for the points around this area and you will zero in on the point that will provide relief from constipation.
How long should you press the points? Try to press the point for at least 3-5 minutes and attempt to hit the points at least twice or thrice a day. You have to be religious about it, only then are you going to see the right results.
While these points can be self-administered, you can always seek the help of a friend around you who can press the points for you.
There are many acupressure points for constipation relief, but yes, some points work for some people, while there are some other points that work for others. Also, constipation is multifactorial in most cases and the primary thing to take care of is to transform your diet for good. While more fiber should be your main objective, it is also important to eliminate foods that are considered to be too spicy.
Ensure that you add more movements every day, a half an hour walk twice a day is a terrific way to bring more movements to your life. If that seems a tall order, start with mini walking sessions spread out throughout the day. This won’t make you feel tired and you will be able to avoid conditions such as constipation with ease.
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