Alcoholism is a serious problem in the society. Many families have broken because of alcoholism and drug abuse.

When discussing the alcohol problem, it doesn’t necessarily refer to the alcoholics. The problems of alcohol will range from the occasional drinkers to those who drink on a daily basis. A drinking that leads to high-level intoxication and one that will impair the safety and healthy decision making of the drinker is basically an alcohol problem. There are different types of alcoholism prevalent across the globe. In this article, we will feature the different types of alcoholism or alcohol addiction affecting the society today.
The Young Adult Alcoholics
Statistics show that about 32 percent of alcoholics in the United States are classified under the young adult alcoholics. These are aged between 20 to 24 years. A good number of the young adult alcoholic will begin drinking at the age of 20. This is the binge drinking type which refers to drinking alcohol every evening and happening frequently.
These drinkers are less likely to seek treatment and will live in denial saying that they aren’t alcohol dependent. This is an alcohol abuse problem that many persons like to describe as a lifestyle choice. Some will say that it is appropriate behavior for their age mates. In fact, a good number will indulge in this alcohol problem while in college and are likely to be victims of peer influence. They will say that they are having a good time at the college.
The Young Antisocial Alcoholics
The second largest alcoholic subtype is referred to as the young antisocial alcoholics. These are aged from 26 and mostly begun drinking when they turned 18. Basically, this group is characterized by the persons who exhibit early onset of alcoholism by the age of 18. These persons are characterized as people with antisocial personality disorder.
They tend to rely on alcohol for socialism and in most cases, alcoholism co-occurs with drug abuse as these persons indulge in addiction to marijuana and other drugs. This type of alcohol addiction is also difficult to treat as the drinkers are characterized to have an antisocial personality disorder. The issue will be easier to handle if family members are able to step in and talk to the person.
The Functional Drinking Problem
This is a type of alcoholism that escapes treatment for years. In most cases, the issue is an advanced stage of the other two alcoholism types we just discussed. These persons seem to have a normal relationship with alcohol. This is mostly among the middle-aged educated and employed adults who are in stable relationships. They drink mostly on daily basis.
Intermediate familial
This alcohol issue is mostly caused by a genetic predisposition. You will find that many people in the family are struggling with the same problem. It is thus difficult to extricate from this type of alcoholism.
Chronic Severe
About 9% of alcoholics are at this stage. It is a rare subtype though, and you will find that more men than women fall into this category.
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