The world is in the middle of a pandemic and as is to be expected, there is chaos and change everywhere. When we combine the effects and fears which are originating from the entire situation, notwithstanding the potentially deadly impact of the epidemic itself, it does not come as a surprise that mental health problems have increased incrementally with each passing month, ever … [Read more...]
5 Unexpected Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle
You’re probably tired of hearing the same old health advice. Eating right, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep are important, but you probably already know that. Sleep, diet and exercise are the three pillars of health, which is why they’re discussed over and over. However, you might be interested in thinking outside the box when it comes to health and … [Read more...]
Balancing The Books of Your Health
This article explores the importance of balance in terms of our health and wellbeing; utilising the analogy of a bank balance to highlight the importance of making positive daily choices that affect our long term health. Image Credit Just like some people are emotional spenders, others are emotional eaters, and the real challenge in our fast paced culture is that we are … [Read more...]
The “Wellness” Worries
The idea of “wellness” being a bad thing is such a strange concept. It’s all about being well - where could the harm be? The problem comes with how this trend - popularized online primarily - is impacting the relationship we have with our doctors. After years of relying on medical science and seeing life expectancy climb to hitherto unseen heights as a result, suddenly … [Read more...]
Happiness is The Secret to Well Being
Happiness Happiness is the only measure of success When was the last time you were so busy doing something that you lost count of time? When you are totally absorbed in an activity, time seems to fly. When you are doing something boring time seems to stand still. This is called relativity. Fun times seem short while doing dreary stuff seems to take an eternity. Study … [Read more...]