Milk is a vital component of many people’s daily nutrition. Whether you prefer to drink it every day or mix it with cereal during breakfast, it’s a superb way to add value to your morning meal.

If you’re concerned about adding weight by consuming milk frequently, say a few glasses every day, first, you need to know how adding or losing weight happens and why tracking your overall calorie consumption is essential to adding or losing weight.
But what is muscle milk, and does it make you add weight?
Muscle milk has quickly gained a reputation in the bodybuilding and weight-lifting community. But with so many weight gain products flooding the market at the moment, is it an easy feat to know which one is the right one to go with? But because muscle milk has acquired respectable space on the shelf space, there has to be something unique about it, that’s keeping more and more enthusiasts order more of it to supplement their diets.
Muscle milk is a high-protein food used by exercise enthusiasts and athletes to help them increase protein intake. This is a line of supplement diets that includes shakes, bars, and powdered mixes. They’re guaranteed to accelerate your daily calorie needs and make you add weight. But common sense dictates the need to consult your doctor first before making any decisions that affect your metabolism.
Whether you’re looking to add, lose or maintain weight, calories play a crucial role. To maintain weight, some calories you eat must equal some calories you burn. To add weight, you must eat more calories than your body can burn. In general, consuming an extra 1000 calories a day leads to 2-kilo weekly weight gain. If you’re using Muscle Milk and consuming excess calories, you’ll add weight.
Calories in And Out
Fresh milk, just like any other foodstuff in your menu contains calories. A table glass full of milk contains roughly 150 calories; 2 percent contains about 140 calories; 1 percent about 100 calories; skim milk (milk without fat) has about 80 calories. Weight is gained by consumption of massive amounts of calories.
Simply put: Eat more than you’re able to burn and you’ll gain weight.

On the other hand, Muscle Milk provides a variety of products not only geared toward fitness but also taste and convenience. Its ready-to-consume shakes come in several flavors, formulas and calorie doses, ranging from as little as 100 calories per measure to as high as 350 calories per single serving. The powders are also scientifically engineered to either help lower calorie consumption or increase calorie intake. Muscle Milk bars are packed with doses of calories that range from 170 to 360, per single bar.
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, if you’re looking to add weight, you need to consume foods that are calorie-dense, and nutrient-rich. Milk products are a rich source of calories and proteins, but while the powders and shakes are highly recommended, other supplements such as the bars, are rich in high fat and are not a good source of minerals and vitamins. And unless you’re working out avidly, the excess proteins may not be useful, and might even have adverse side effects.
Muscle Mass, Too Much Protein?
When you lift weights, your muscles go through tiny muscle tears, then heal within a few days, growing stronger and bigger. By continuing consuming Muscle Milk, you repeat the process and gain muscle mass. If you just drink Muscle Milk without performing any form of weight training, you will add weight, but not muscle mass. Drinking Muscle Milk while adhering to a solid weight training program will garner the desired results.

Most people are shy of sticking to a workout routine long enough to notice any results regardless of whether they’re using Muscle Milk. You need to commit not only to consuming Muscle Milk, but also a rigorous training routine to get the full benefits of what it has to offer.
How to Gain Weight Using Muscle Milk
To gain weight, the right way with Muscle Milk, use the supplements together with a variety of minerals and vitamin-rich foods that form a balanced diet. This will ensure your body gets everything it needs. Before any workout, consume the drink and bars to form part of a convenient snack and do the same after the workout, or in between meals. Apart from drinking the shakes and biting bars, you may also add Muscle Milk to your yogurt, milkshake, smoothie, and even breakfast cereal to create a nutrient-rich and calorie dense meal.
Muscle Milk is made and distributed by a company called CytoSport. Their full line of protein-rich products includes Monster Milk, CytoMax, and many others. They’ve been packaged into protein bars, whey bars, cereals and carb products.
Jessica Kelly is the founder of She and her editor work to inspire, educate and empower our readers with all the latest updates and authentic information. Her goal is to bring up the “Healthy attitude” among people in the world. On Care Happiness you will find high-quality health information, fitness tips, diet charts and answer to all your health queries.
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