As a mom, your to-do list never ends. Between waking the kids up, packing lunches, cooking dinners and dropping from school to football practice and friends’ houses, and having your own career and social life, it can feel like you have no time to yourself. And… that’s partially true! But that doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself a healthy dose of self-love in the time you do … [Read more...]
How To Bottle Feed With Newborn Formula
When your baby comes to this world, naturally you only want the best for him or her. Commercial newborn formula is a safe alternative to breastmilk and contains all the supplements a newborn needs. Most formulas are made from cow’s milk and modified to suit a baby’s nutritional needs. They have added vitamins, minerals, and fats that a baby requires to grow. Rest assured, any … [Read more...]
Tips for Making a Stress-Free Move for Your Child
Moving from your childhood home can be a very difficult life event for any child, especially those with autism. While moving can be an exciting change for many, children often feel they’re being uprooted from their lives and everything they know and love. Moves that are stressful and on bad terms can affect children long after the move happens, which is why parents should … [Read more...]
Benefits of Teaching Self-Care to Kids
How we manage stress and take care of ourselves as adults has a lot to do with what we are taught as children. While circumstances change and there are new developments that shape our society, there are basic practices that we should be constantly teaching our children. What are healthy ways to manage stress? What can we do to take care of our mental health as much as our … [Read more...]
Top Tips for Looking After Your Child’s Mental Health
Many parents today are worried about perceived overzealous diagnosing of children with mental health disorders. This is driven in part by a widespread perception that children generally don’t suffer from mental health issues. Unfortunately, there is a growing acceptance of the fact that rates of mental illness in children are beginning to increase. Previously, it had been … [Read more...]
How to Stop Your Teenager from Talking Back to You
The moment you have a baby you think that things will get better with time and all your children will turn out to be responsible adults. But as soon as the little critters hit the tween and teenage mark, they turn into monsters with a big mouth whose sole purpose it seems is to talk back to you. Whatever rules you have got set for them, somehow they always end up being ignored. … [Read more...]
How to Choose The Best Baby Thermometer: A Parent’s Guide
Parents care a lot for their babies and look for the best products for them. There are certain things that parents must have, for the baby’s care. Thermometer is one of them. Few years back, parents were not able to have a check on their baby’s health... a lot have changed. Now advance and qualitative technology made the parents to have proper care of the baby. Gone are the … [Read more...]
Surefire Ways to Raise Responsible Teenagers
Young mothers whose kids are approaching adolescence often want to know how to raise their children or what to expect when their children hit 13. However, no parent can answer that. Ones kids are who they are in spite of who their parent is. Each teenager is also different from the other and they may respond differently to various aspects in life. The first thing is to debunk … [Read more...]
5 Tips on How to Balance Work and Family Time for New Dads
Achieving a work-family balance is often a great challenge for new dads. This is because the arrival of newborns presents parents with a challenge of spending as much time as possible with the babies while at the same time ensuring that they work hard enough to provide the best life for their family. The inability to achieve this balance often leads to stress on the part of the … [Read more...]
What To Do When Your Baby Has A Birth Defect
Everyone wants a healthy baby. Birth defects – whether they are purely visual or physically disabling – can prove an extra challenge. It’s natural to initially feel shocked, sad or even angry. To help you come to terms with the defect it’s important to get as much guidance as possible from friends, family and professionals. Image Source Here are the steps you should … [Read more...]