Why Try a Continuous Glucose Monitor? Many diabetic patients find that managing their diabetes symptoms is made much easier by the use of a continuous glucose monitor. These innovative devices provide near-instant feedback to diabetes patients and record blood sugar levels digitally, allowing readouts to be downloaded and analyzed by health care professionals. This can allow … [Read more...]
Understanding Both Sides of the Emergency Contraception Debate
What happens when you combine the FDA, left-wing, right-wing , pro-life and pro-choice advocates? One huge, noisy, non-stop debate! What could bring all these differing mind sets into the same arena? Four little words – “the morning after pill” and for more than a decade now it seems the fires have remained well fueled. Feathers were once again ruffled in 2009, when Plan B … [Read more...]
How to Find Menopause Alternative Treatments
Here you will find some ideas about menopause alternative treatments that are effective and easy to use. Today’s women focus on natural and herbal remedies and lifestyle alternatives rather than Hormone treatments due to the risk and side effects associated with hormone therapy. So what are the best alternative treatments for menopause symptoms? First and foremost are … [Read more...]
9 Foods that Lower Cholesterol (and 3 that Don’t)
Diet along with other important lifestyle changes play important roles in lowering blood cholesterol. Many natural solutions are proven effective in reducing cholesterol without the need for prescription drugs. Unless your cholesterol levels are unusually poor, or your doctor recommends a prescription medication, cutting back on cholesterol and fat intake including trans fats … [Read more...]
Three Steps to Healthy Teeth
One of the first things that we have heard from other mothers is that we need to brush our teeth after every meal. Although most of us have followed this advice strictly throughout the years it does not mean that we are doing the right thing. It definitely pays to relearn these principles again and follow the right things this time. 1. The Right Toothbrush Having the right … [Read more...]
Effective Communication between a Doctor and a Patient
Anytime you have deep concerns about your health, there is immediate need to talk to your personal doctor. Communicating your medical fears clearly goes a step further in having your concerns addressed and receiving reliable medical care in good time. Some people shy away from going to the doctor. The reasons for these kinds of fear are varied, ranging from; prohibitive … [Read more...]
Too Much Exercise Widens Muscle Tear
Exercise is good for you. Doing exercise boosts your mood, gives you more energy, promotes weight loss and better sleep. It will improve your health, social life and wellbeing. When starting an exercise program, there is a tendency to think that, because doing something that is good for us, that doing more of it, is better. To a certain extent this holds true. As your … [Read more...]
Why You NEED To Eat A Nutritious Breakfast
“I’m not hungry in the morning,” “I don’t have time to make anything,” and “Well…I eat a donut or a muffin every day for breakfast and that’s enough for me!” are common excuses people make for not eating breakfast. Little do they know that they are negatively impacting their health and not eating breakfast could be causing weight gain, tiredness, and problems … [Read more...]
Five Effective Forms of Alternative Medicine
The American standard in health care has lead the country down a path of hefty expenses and unanswered questions over the past several decades. There is another answer, and that answer is in five powerful forms of alternative medicines. Acupuncture, meditation, chelation therapy, biofeedback, and chiropractic are these alternatives to harsh drugs and hopeless anecdotes. Those … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Probiotics
Probiotics, pro=for and bios= life, are microorganisms that aid digestion and promote general well-being within the body. These small, healthy bacteria are commonly found in the intestine but can also be eaten in foods like yogurt or taken in pill form. There are several different types of probiotics available through foods and over the counter … [Read more...]