Many families world-wide are used to the kids climbing into mom and dad's bed to snuggle in post-nightmare, or just for kisses and cuddles. However, some families are turning this into a routine by introducing the concept of "the family bed." Though extremely common in Asian and African cultures, the subject is somewhat taboo in the United States. Is the concept of the family … [Read more...]
Family and Personal
Driving Impaired? 5 Real Police Tipoffs
You suspect you’re a little over the limit, but you convince yourself to drive like you did when you took your licensing test, keeping everything upon the roadway slow and deliberate. There’s even the ridiculous claim you tell yourself: "I drive better when I'm drunk." This fallacious belief comes from the idea that a person will put greater effort into driving safely when … [Read more...]
Why Multiples and Nursing Pillows Make the Perfect Match
Not one baby, but two...perhaps three...maybe even four? How'd you get so lucky? Well, double doses of joy and anxiety aside, it can become very cumbersome to take care of each baby's needs. This issue is also faced by mothers who already have a young child, and have a new baby shortly thereafter. To smooth out the rough edges of life with multiples, it is important to take … [Read more...]
The Independent Mom: Adapting to Life as a Single Mother
Congratulations! You're having a baby! But, as a single mom, you're sure to have reservations. You're sailing into uncharted waters, and regardless of how much organizing you've done beforehand, you might find yourself swamped after the baby comes. Even experienced mothers can find it incredibly challenging to balance their lives while coping with their new bundle of joy. … [Read more...]
What to Expect From Drug Rehab
Obviously, going to a drug rehabilitation facility can be an unnerving thought. The fact that you are giving up every minute of your present time to overcome an addiction in an unfamiliar place is unsettling, but you are making a decision for the best. After visiting rehab, your life will take a turn for the better and things will look up. Don’t be nervous about what’s to come … [Read more...]
Changing Up Mother’s Day: Should You Buy Jewelry Instead?
Special thanks to for contributing this infographic. … [Read more...]
Healthy Thinking, Situations, and Relationships
Many people are concerned with their health today. There is a lot of talk about exercise, eating healthy, and taking additional supplements to keep us healthy. Being healthy is not only a physical concern but a mental and emotional one as well. It is important to have healthy relationships in our lives and to keep stress at a minimum. by photostock Stress is a normal part of … [Read more...]
From Daycare to Pre-K: When Should Your Child Learn to Read?
For years, experts have emphasized that the earliest years of a child's life are crucial to literacy development. Research has indicated that reading to a baby or toddler can vastly improve the child's later achievement in school. Other studies have demonstrated that a child's educational success rests upon how well he reads and writes. Is there a perfect time to … [Read more...]
The Balancing Act: Caring for your Parents
Most parents are used to chaotic lifestyles filled with work, school events for the kids, play dates, household chores and errands. However, what do you do when something else is thrown into the mix like caring for an aging parent? Taking care of your parents and spending time with them should be seen as a privilege and not an obstacle. It just takes a bit of organization and … [Read more...]
A Guide to The Role of A Law Guardian in Divorce
Courtrooms have an inherent nature that revolves around dispute and confrontation. This can make any legal proceeding a difficult and stressful situation. When it comes to family law, however, the process can become strictly disheartening. Cases involving divorce or child custody often end up tearing a family apart. All too often in these proceedings it is the interests of the … [Read more...]