If the human body is a machine, think of the heart as the engine, constantly pumping blood to all parts of the body. Like any other machine, neglecting to maintain the heart and reckless disregard for its health will lead to problems in its functioning.
A healthy diet can prevent loads of diseases from ever occurring, but talking specifically about the heart, here are 8 foods that are natural remedies for heart disease and help in their prevention.
- Ginger– It is commonly used for cooking and is a good source for prevention of heart disease. Ginger contains anti-oxidants and phytochemicals, which give it anti-inflammatory and blood thinning abilities. Adding ginger to everyday diet reduces risk of heart disease.
- Garlic– It is available as extract, oil and pills too. This is a natural remedy for lowering Bad form of cholesterol or LDL in our body. It is used as a blood thinner for reducing atherosclerosis. It is healthy to consume garlic but not too much as thinning of blood prevents some diseases in our body but a high quantity of it can lead to other health problems.
- Bilberry – It is similar to the blueberry& is effective for treating different types of issues in our body. Bilberries contain anthocyanosides which are powerful antioxidants. It also treats the poor circulation of blood in our body, mainly in the veins.
- Grapefruit juice– Grapefruit juice is a perfect drink for our heart. Fresh Grapefruit juice is a key source of many beneficial nutrients. Grapefruit also helps in losing weight. One glass of this juice doubles the calcium channel blocker quantity that in our body, reducing blood pressure and the reducing the effort the heart must exert to pump blood.
- Green tea– It is another useful remedy for reducing the risk of cardiac diseases. Leaves of Camellia Sinensis plant can be taken as an extract or in capsule form. It is useful for mental attentiveness, loss of weight, low cholesterol and prevention of cancer. However, drinking too much of it is not recommended.
- Aloe Vera – The Aloe Vera pulp, also called Aloe Vera gel has high medicinal value. Asthma, Diabetes, epilepsy and arthritis are merely a few ailments which can be treated by ingestingAloe Vera. Consuming a small cup of Aloe Verajuice daily prevents several types of diseases.
- Fenugreek seeds– These seeds were extensively used in ancient Egypt. The ground powder or seeds are used for curing several ailments like digestive issues, lowering cholesterol and reducing blood sugar. It is a powerful remedy for prevention of cardiac diseases.
- Red Chillies or Cayenne– These are normally used for spicing up curries. The spice comprises of Capsaicin which is a beneficial substance for the heart. It improves the elasticity of our blood vessels, making our body healthier. It also lowers the risk of clot formation and it balances the scale of LDL cholesterol. It improves our cardiovascular process and brings our blood pressure to normal levels.
Eating a healthy diet consisting of whole foods, fruits and vegetables not only reduces inflammation, but also prevents high blood pressure and unhealthy high cholesterol, helping you maintain a healthy weight and providing you with more energy to be active. If you liked this article here are a few more tips for healthy heart health that you might be interested in.
Awesome information. truely Grape juice is very useful to a heart. thank you for sharing.
Really, nice information for people who are patient of heart and living in New Delhi, India. Get some tips to keep their heart healthy and fit with above organic remedies.