Sleep is a vital element in keeping the body healthy. That’s why we are often told to get at least 8 hours of it. It’s as essential to your health as diet and exercise. But aside from getting enough sleep, did you know that there are ways to improve your sleeping condition in a way that it benefits your health?
Today we will be discussing three simple sleeping habits that improve the quality of your sleep, and improve the quality of your health.
So first things first, we emphasize getting enough sleep every night. No excuses on this, because your body literally needs it to survive. Finding a balance between family, work, friends, and hobbies may be difficult, but be sure to dedicate enough time for sleep. It doesn’t just keep you healthy, it keeps you alive.
And with that said, here are the three sleeping habits that make you healthier.
Sleep Comfortably: The Importance of a Comfy Mattress
If you are constantly tossing and turning at night, chances are your mattress has outstayed its welcome. High quality mattresses could stay for 10 years at most. Many homeowners consider mattresses as an unlimited source of comfort – but that’s not the case. Over the years, your mattress could break and get holes in them. The springs could even pierce through, in some cases.
If you think your mattress is ready to retire, don’t hesitate to buy a new one. It also doesn’t matter whether you pick one that’s labeled either “firm” or “soft” – this is not an accurate measure of the mattress softness, and you must ultimately pick one that feels comfortable to you.
Having a comfortable mattress allows you to relax. New mattresses have even been shown to reduce stress levels in adults. Indeed, a new mattress can keep your mind off of your problems, at least for an entire, comfortable night.
If you can’t get a new mattress right away, at least keep yours clean. Wash your sheets and pillowcases frequently in hot water, in order to eliminate dust mites. Part of getting comfortable is being able to sleep on something that you know is entirely clean.
Sleep Continuously: Turn Off the Lights
This may sound simple, but there are multiple studies that show the importance of darkness in a good night’s sleep. Try to avoid bright lights before you sleep, and keep the lights off throughout the night.
Light and darkness have a great effect on sleep. Exposure to light gives your body the feeling of alertness – it even gives you a boost in energy. Darkness tells your body that it is time to rest. Therefore, light exposure during evenings can make it harder to fall asleep.
Make sure your room is sufficiently darkened so that you don’t wake too often in the middle of the night. When we’re exposed to bright lights, our production of the sleep hormone melatonin is disrupted. The quality of sleep is therefore affected, leaving us feeling groggy and lacking energy in the morning.
By simply turning off the lights, we’re doing a huge favor for our health.
Sleep Consistently: Stick with a Sleep Schedule
Turning off the lights will let your body know it’s time to sleep. But what’s even more effective is sleeping at the same time every night.
A consistent sleep routine won’t just make you feel well-rested. It will help you improve your concentration, your memory, and even your energy levels. Establish a regular sleep pattern to allow your circadian rhythm to operate at its peak.
Your circadian clock ensures that you are naturally ready to awaken the next day. It makes sure cortisol and adrenaline are released an hour before you need to wake up, so that your body will gently be prepared for wakefulness.
Don’t throw off this helpful function by sleeping at different times at night. In order to keep healthy you must be mindful of the quantity and quality of your sleep. Follow these simple tips, and your body will naturally rest its way to a healthier you.
Vikram Tarugu is a passionate leader, CEO, and founder of Detox of South Florida, Florida’s Top Alcohol Detox and Drug Rehabilitation Center. He is also a proud advocate of drug-free living. In his spare time, he loves writing about tips on how to manage day-to-day tasks without depending on different addictive drugs.
Dr. Tarugu is also a leading gastroenterologist and hematologist. You can find him practicing at several hospitals in South Florida and at Gastro In Florida.
Previously, my sleep was bad. I often stay up late at night, get up early so the health was not good. Thanks to this article, my sleeping habits have changed and I also learned a lot of experience. Thanks