Rejuran Guide: The Skin Rejuvenating Filler

When we look younger, we feel younger. Decades ago, the best way to reduce wrinkles and tighten skin involved surgery. Fortunately, those days are gone: Botox, fillers, and other nonsurgical treatments make it possible to retain a youthful appearance without the pain and recovery time associated with surgery.

But Botox and fillers need regular maintenance, which is sometimes a high price to pay for the benefits they convey. The reason is simple: these treatments only shore up sagging and wrinkled skin. They don’t do anything to actually improve skin’s health.

A new generation of skin treatments is changing all of that. The most popular of these new treatments is one you might already have heard of Rejuran.

What is Rejuran?

Rejuran is an injectable skin-restoring filler based on specially targeted fragments of DNA called polynucleotides. Unlike older types of filler, Rejuran actively promotes the development of fresh new skin tissue, making it a complete skin-restoration solution.

Rejuran is applied through microinjections similar to those used to inject synthetic fillers. Once it encounters damaged skin, Rejuran begins to repair skin cells and to promote the production of new collagen. The result is a drastic reduction of wrinkles, an evening of skin tone, repair of many types of acne scar, and improved elasticity and hydration.

The polynucleotides that power Rejuran is derived from salmon DNA. That’s important to remember when you consider the nickname it earned in its native Korea: because patients were so thrilled with the baby-soft skin they achieved with Rejuran, it became known as 婴儿针, or “baby-skin injections”.

Rejuran is offered in three formulations, each appropriate to a specific application

  • Rejuran Healer, the flagship product, is good for general use.
  • Rejuran L treats delicate areas, such as wrinkles around the eye.
  • Rejuran S is a heavier formulation and can penetrate farther below the skin’s surface. It is best for treating more stubborn issues, like acne scars.

Who is it for?

Rejuran has a reputation for reducing the signs of aging, and indeed it is a remarkably effective treatment for wrinkles, sags, and skin that has begun to lose its elasticity.

But before it was ever used as a cosmetic remedy, the technology behind Rejuran was used to promote the healing of wounds. Doctors soon discovered that it is extremely effective at treating some of the deepest and most stubborn types of acne scars.

Unlike some other approaches to fixing acne scars, like laser surgery, Rejuran works in multiple ways at once. Near the skin’s surface, Rejuran minimizes the size of pores and other surface irregularities like scars; farther below the surface, it repairs tissue that may have been lost or damaged by active acne.

Patients with active acne should treat that condition before addressing their acne scars. But everyone, young and old alike, should know that Rejuran can help with a wide range of skin issues.

Does Rejuran Treat Anything Besides Wrinkles and Acne Scars?

Rejuran does have a reputation for treating those things, but it can also help address pigmentation issues.

The most common treatment for skin-pigmentation problems is laser therapy. Lasers can be focused beneath the skin’s surface to target melasmas and other concentrations of melanin, effectively breaking them into small enough pieces for the body to dispose of.

Recent clinical research suggests that Rejuran can affect proteins used by the genes that regulate pigment production, and interrupt that regulation. Preliminary results indicate that Rejuran may be able to reduce the amount of pigmentation produced by the skin without affecting cells’ actual genetic material. This is especially good news for the treatment of melasma, which has a high incidence of recurrence even when successfully treated by laser therapy.

Can It Be Combined With Other Kinds of Skin Treatment?

Absolutely! As we just showed, there’s a reason to believe that a combination of laser therapy to break up existing pigmentation and Rejuran to inhibit future problems can be an effective long-term strategy. Rejuran is also compatible with synthetic fillers, thread lifts, radio-frequency therapy, and non-laser light-based treatments.

Is It Really Made From Salmon DNA? Why Is That?

Yes, Rejuran is derived from salmon DNA. Decades ago, researchers looking into new ways of healing skin wounds discovered that applying salmon milt—a male salmon’s contribution to future generations—on open wounds resulted in quicker and more complete healing. Years of study led to the identification of exactly the bits of DNA responsible for healing and tissue growth.

These bits, or polydeoxyribonucleotides as they’re otherwise known, are chemically isolated from sterilized salmon milt before becoming the active ingredient in Rejuran.

Is it Painful? How does Long Will My Skin take to Recover From Rejuran Treatment?

To get Rejuran where it needs to go, doctors inject it into the very top layer of skin, or the superficial dermis, using tiny needles called microinjectors. This involves minor to moderate discomfort. Your doctor will apply a topical anesthetic to numb your face before the procedure.

Patients who have had other types of microinjections should experience roughly the same thing with Rejuran. It is important to note that, unlike most synthetic fillers and other microinjectables, Rejuran does not itself contain anesthetic. This may mean a bit of discomfort beneath your skin since no numbing agent accompanies the injected material.

Some doctors will offer medicated creams or light therapy following the application of Rejuran to reduce immediate post-procedure issues such as redness and swelling. Your face may appear a bit bumpy in the first few hours after treatment and may feel uncomfortable for a day or so.

Overall recovery time for Rejuran injections is typically two days. A full slate of treatments usually runs to three or four sessions, spread across three months or so. This gives your skin the right amount of time to make full use of one Rejuran treatment before it receives another.

Is There Anything Rejuran Can’t Do?

For all its strengths, Rejuran acts more subtly in some ways than synthetic fillers. If your goals include any sort of facial restructuring beyond general firming, Rejuran might not get you the results you want. At the same time, it might be a good complement to the reshaping procedure you choose.

Where Can I Get Rejuran?

Not so fast! As with any skin therapy, it’s wisest to talk with your doctor first. Be sure that your goals are realistic, and that you describe them completely. If Rejuran’s right for you, remember that a full treatment takes a few applications and that because Rejuran works with your body, you’re likely to see continuous, gradual improvement over the course of your regimen. If you want to know more, there is a detailed article about costs and side effects on Ubiqi Health – https://ubiqihealth.com/rejuran-healer-singapore/.

Be ready for a day or two worth of downtime after each application, and otherwise take care of your skin by avoiding the sun and using appropriate sunscreen skin rejuvenation

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