How to Take of Blemished Skin During Your Perimenopausal Time

Crossing the menopause threshold is difficult for most women. However, once you reach the post-menopausal stage, it starts to get a little easier. Gynecologists suggest that since we are spending ⅓ of our lives in the menopausal state, then it is only explanatory taking care of ourselves.

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Unfortunately, with the advancing of menopause, your skin gets the worst blow. Acne, excess hair growth, and susceptibility to sun blemishes could irritate you even more and cause you to lose more self-confidence.

This is why you should start taking care of your skin beforehand. Therefore, when the time comes, you are all prepared. In this excerpt below, we will discuss everything, starting with what perimenopausal is and the blemishes that can affect you.

What Is Perimenopausal Time

Perimenopausal time is the years right before menopause finally hits you. For most women, it is between the ages of 45 to 50. Not that menopause hits right when you are 50, so perimenopause can continue even after you are 50 until it finally reaches you.

Doctors and skin specialists say this is the perfect time to start caring and preparing for menopause, especially blemished skin care.

The Blemishes of Menopause

During menopause, the hormone levels are not at equilibrium. Thus, the up and down can cause skin problems by excess sebum production. Plus, when it comes to menopause, cortisol production (stress hormone) could make you break out even further.

– Acne.

– Scabs.

– Sun blemishes.

These are some of the common issues you could be dealing with.

How To Deal With These Blemishes

Yes, it is frustrating and borderline depressing to think so. However, when it comes to fighting menopausal skin issues, there are some measures you can take beforehand.

1. Get A New Set Of Cosmetics

Your pre-menopausal cosmetic will not suffice anymore. No matter how harsh it sounds, you must start using anti-aging products. They will help fight the anti-aging signs and protect your skin from these menopausal issues. Some of the common ingredients which you should start looking for in skin care are-

– Collagen: Makes up the primary cell building block and helps to recover your skin quicker. With aging, you also lose your skin’s capability to heal quicker and hold its elasticity, and collagen can help fight these issues.

– Hyaluronic Acid: Reduces blemishes and fine lines caused by sun exposure.

– Retinoid: Retinol could be an excellent addition to your skincare which you should do before signs of aging begin. Retinoids can be taken as a form of medicine or even topical application. It helps to rejuvenate skin with new skin cells. Great for treating perimenopause or menopause acne conditions.

2. Wash Regularly

Washing your face goes without saying because your skin will become sensitive to bacteria and dirt exposure. In order to protect yourself from the aftereffects, you must wash your face religiously twice a day.

Your sebaceous glands are at risk of excess secretion; therefore, washing them with a mild sebum-clearing face wash to mitigate some of the effects.

3. Do Not Leave Without Sunscreen

Your skin is more susceptible to sun damage, even with a little sun exposure. Therefore, it is better to get a sunscreen with a good SPF and apply it every hour if you are in constant sun exposure.

Keep yourself hydrated to keep your skin moisturized; however, do not use a heavy moisturizer that can clog your pores.

4. Do Not Make It Worse

Sometimes, it is irritating to see your skin suddenly changing and you not being able to do anything. But making your skin worse with constant interruption with your hands and nails will not make it better.

So, prevent yourself from popping or picking up your acne blemishes. It will be tempting, but it will be better to leave them alone!

Apply gentle moisturizer, and prevent over-exfoliating since that can infect the area.

5. Try Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a non-invasive and effective way to treat blemished skin during perimenopause. Red light therapy works by penetrating deep into the skin and stimulating the production of collagen, a protein that gives skin its elasticity and firmness.

This treatment also improves circulation and reduces inflammation, helping to minimize the appearance of blemishes and promote a clearer, more even complexion.

Furthermore, red light therapy is a safe and gentle option for those with sensitive skin, making it a great alternative to harsh topical treatments that can irritate the skin.

Take Care of Yourself!

Perimenopause is the time for you to be extra careful with your skin. Try new treatments recommended by your dermatologists but let your skin breathe as well.

Do not go for a new product or treatment every week!

Try to give one treatment sometime before using another.

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