Taking Another Look at Treatment Options is Important to Your Health and Well-being

If you have a chronic condition which leaves you feeling under the weather, you may not be living your best life. It has been found that doctors are spending shorter times with their patients. At the same time, complementary medicines continue to offer many people relief while the legalisation of medical marijuana in several states increases the range of therapies available. Even if you are currently being treated by a doctor, you should still make an effort to find out about other treatment options.

Shorter visits

Research shows that doctors are spending less time with their patients. According to Forbes, two studies found that doctors spend half or more of their time in front the computer working on electronic health records. In addition, it is increasingly being suggested that insurance companies – not doctors  – have the most say about treatment options.It may be hard to accept but it is possible that your doctor has not made you aware of every available treatment option. Always be sure to ask your doctor about the benefits and risks of any treatment and whether there are any alternatives. Seek a second opinion if you are not comfortable.

Medical marijuana

Marijuana has been identified as a treatment for a range of conditions including cancer, migraines and fibromyalgia. The usual treatments forcancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation but they have quite debilitating side effects. Studies have shown that cannabis fights cancer cells and tumors and also reduces the pain and side effects of chemotherapy.

Medicinal marijuana has also been known to prevent or reduce the intensityof headaches and other migraine symptoms.THC inhibits the release of serotonin during an acute attack and this helps to reduce pain.

In cases of fibromyalgia,marijuana can help to reduce pain as well as the resulting depression and anxiety. It also helps to improve sleep. For more information on how cannabis may help your specific condition, contact Aleafia today.

Complementary treatment

According to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, more than 30 percent of American adults use complementary healing techniques to improve their health. These treatments and medicines are used in conjunction with conventional solutions and include acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, energy therapy and herbal medicine.

Acupuncture is one of the practices found in traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners stimulate specific points on the body by inserting thin needles through the skin.The NCCIH says studies show acupuncture may help ease pain in the lower back, neck and knee. It may also alleviate tension headaches and prevent migraine headaches.

Many people also seek out chiropractors when they suffer from low back pain, neck pain, and headaches. These practitioners manipulate the spine and other parts of the body to correct alignment, ease pain and help the body to heal itself.

Energy therapies include Reiki, Qigong and therapeutic touch. They are based on the belief that the practitioner can help to balance the energies in a patient and help them to heal.

Whatever your condition, if you are not fully satisfied with the with your treatmentplan, you should explore alternative or additional help. Ask your doctor about different conventional medicine or medical marijuana or seek out a practitioner of complementary medicine.

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