Reasons to Visit Top Rated Physiotherapy Clinics and Physical Therapy Abbotsford

Although the progress of science and technology has brought many benefits and enabled a longer and better life, it also did us a disservice. The sad reality is that, although we live better, we are more inert, obese, and in poorer health today than a few decades ago.

Physiotherapy is a medical practice that helps people deal with these problems. It consists of targeted exercises and specialized treatments that should improve motion range and the condition of muscles and joints. In the long run, regular PT sessions will improve the overall health and quality of life.

The services provided by physiotherapy clinics can be beneficial for many people. Patients are people with chronic or acute health conditions, seniors, kids, athletes, pregnant women, etc. Therapists work with different groups of patients to help them get the most from regular PT sessions.

One of the benefits of visiting McCallum Physiotherapy clinic is the chance to check your health problem and progress during the treatments. Besides, skilled therapists create exercise programs based on your capabilities and health condition. That will help you achieve the maximum benefit from therapies.

Prevent Injuries

Physiotherapy clinics offer preventive care and education to help people stay fit and healthy. Regular treatments help them avoid injuries. These sessions can benefit people with a history of injuries, those who spend most of their day sitting or standing, or athletes.

See the link below to learn how to help yourself if you sit for too long:


Physiotherapy experts can use your health history to help prevent injuries by identifying any underlying health issues that may need treatment. Also, some of the best clinics can assess the likelihood of injury by analyzing your biomechanics and injury history. That can mitigate the risks associated with certain sports, ensuring that your body is strong enough to avoid injuries.

Avoid Surgery

There are many benefits to visiting a physiotherapy clinic before opting for other healing methods. One of these is that you can avoid the surgery. In fact, you’re 50% less likely to need surgery if you visit a physiotherapy clinic first. See here why PT is better than surgery.

Even if you undergo this intervention, PT can speed up recovery, reduce discomfort and help you get back to your normal activities as quickly as possible. Besides reducing recovery time, physical therapy can also reduce your need for painkillers.

Recovery after Prosthetic Surgery

PT sessions are vital after a prosthetic knee or hip surgery. Patients should start with these treatments once they’ve gained strength. These will usually last for a couple of weeks and can be performed at home. That will allow the patient to avoid certain mistakes that can slow down the recovery and focus on rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy helps patients regain strength and flexibility by performing specific exercises. Patients can then return to their normal activities faster. Also, these sessions can boost their self-esteem and reduce anxiety due to pain and discomfort.

Improve Posture

Poor posture and crooked spine are serious problems most people face from an early age. Due to the sedentary lifestyle, they spend most of their time hunched over or in uncomfortable positions. And since most people are unaware of their postures, they may develop bad habits that will be difficult to correct.

Incorrect posture affects the body’s alignment and leads to pain and injury. Also, it causes weakness in core muscles, including the back, pelvis, and buttocks. These muscles are responsible for your body’s balance. Thus, poor posture can lead to muscle fatigue, rounded shoulders, and neck pain.

Visiting a PT clinic is an excellent way to improve posture. Therapists focus on strengthening the muscles to improve balance and posture. They use different exercises to help patients achieve a healthy posture. They can also provide people with advice and tips to improve their posture.

Check the following source for some guidelines on the best at-home exercises for a better posture:


Most people don’t even consider physiotherapy when they have so many painkillers and surgical methods to manage their pain or injuries. But PT is a time-tested intervention practiced by registered healthcare professionals. They can help patients overcome discomfort and get back to normal. They focus on the patient’s needs and ensure they recover as quickly as possible.

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