Cognitive behavior therapy

Understanding the Psychological Aspects of Non-Substance Addiction

Non-substance addiction is a serious mental health concern that not many are not aware of. It is best if one…

How Does Outpatient Rehab Work?

Addiction is a chronic condition characterized by repeated misuse of substances, leading to physical and mental health impairments. Substances include…

The Difference Between Psychologists and Counsellors

For many people, deciding to pursue therapy is a big step. You have to be willing to admit you need…

Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling) Disorder Explained

The compulsion to pull one’s hair repeatedly and routinely until it causes impairment in functioning or physical injury is known…

Quit It: Overcoming Smoking Addiction

Addiction is not something that should ever be taken lightly, but most of society has an addiction of sorts. Alcohol,…

Anxiety: Everything You Need To Be Aware Of

Image source Feeling anxious and struggling with anxiety can be a crippling experience even for the strongest of people. It…

Talking Therapies. Approaches To Recovering Emotionally After A Traumatic Incident

Suffering an accident or injury is never a thing that either us or a loved one wants to go through.…

Using Music to Develop Cognitive and Social Skills in Deaf Babies

When babies are born, they undergo a series of tests that help their doctors determine if they can see, hear,…