Quit It: Overcoming Smoking Addiction

Addiction is not something that should ever be taken lightly, but most of society has an addiction of sorts. Alcohol, smoking and food are some of the most common addictions that aren’t considered to be ‘serious’ among friends, but anything in excess that you cannot help but indulge in has to be stopped as soon as possible to avoid a problem.

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Smoking is one habit that a lot of people don’t actually enjoy indulging in, due to the cost, the results and the smell. But as anyone who is addicted to something knows, not an easy habit to stop.

If you have made the steps to quit smoking, the applause is ready and waiting. The commitment to stop is half the battle, and any smoker out there knows that you have to be ready to stop smoking to manage it in its entirety. Choosing the way that you want to quit is the hard part, as you have to ensure that you can stick to it! There are many different ways to quit smoking and some of these ways work far better than others.

Overcoming an addiction to smoking has many avenues, and if you want to quit you should consider whether any of these ways will work for you:

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Cold Turkey

One of the most common ways that people quit smoking is going cold turkey. No support, no aids, no medicines in any way. It’s not the most effective method out there, as there is a high failure rate when it comes to quitting cold turkey. Less than 10% of people manage to quit smoking by themselves, and while it is something that can be done it is not the easiest route to go down.

Habit Switch

A lot of smokers believe that most of their habit comes from having a cigarette to hold onto. The difficulty in quitting is not being able to have something to hold. A lot of smokers opt to swap cigarettes for a Hydrology 9 vaporizer, which is less dangerous than cigarette and still has the power to feel like they are ‘holding onto’ something. You can read here about vaping and the different flavours of vape fluid you can get. Something tastier than nicotine!

Behavioural Therapy

Hypnotherapy and working with a counsellor to figure out the triggers behind the addiction in the first place are very effective methods to overcome smoking. Making a solid plan to get through cravings and stay away from the cigarettes can offer comfort and help you toward the goal of ending an addiction.

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Whichever method you should go for to stop smoking requires some planning. Picking a date to quit to mentally prepare yourself for a change is crucial, as is gathered support from friends and family to get you through the initial withdrawal stages. Addiction is not a joke, and it is not easy to overcome. However, with strength and determination you can celebrate the fact that everyone will call you a quitter!

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