Categories: Beauty

Surprising Health Benefits of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery does have aesthetic benefits, but that’s not the only reason why people decide to go under the knife. There are some surprising health benefits to plastic surgery too! Some patients even choose to undergo plastic surgery just for these benefits.


Learn more about some of the health benefits from various plastic surgeries!

Better Breathing

A rhinoplasty, or “nose job,” can not only improve the appearance of your nose, but can help you breathe better. During a rhinoplasty, plastic surgeons can remove obstructions in the nasal cavity that cause difficulty breathing. Surgeons can also fix a deviated septum during this procedure. Better breathing can improve your ability to exercise and even improve the quality of your sleep!

Reduce Back, Neck & Shoulder Pain

Many women experience back, neck, and shoulder pain due to large breasts. A breast reduction can provide relief for this pain by removing excess tissue. Excess breast tissue can also prevent women from performing certain exercises, and eliminating this tissue can help women resume these exercises.

Improve Vision

An eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can help improve vision! While this procedure is usually performed for aesthetic reasons, it can help improve vision in older patients who have upper eyelid sagging or drooping. This surgery removes the extra skin that may be obstructing vision.

Boost Self-Esteem

While self-esteem may not seem like a direct health benefit, it can help improve a patient’s overall mental and physical health. Individuals with high-self esteem are less likely to have mental health problems or eating disorders. They are also more likely to exercise and make positive health choices.

Reduce Skin Irritation

Excess skin as a result of weight loss can result in uncomfortable skin folds that can get rashes and infections. Plastic surgeries that remove excess skin (like tummy tuck) can reduce or completely eliminate these infections. Additionally, skin removal surgeries can help patients lose a few additional pounds.

Gynecomastia, or enlargement of male breasts, can also result in skin irritation and a bruised self-esteem. Removing this extra breast tissue can completely eliminate this skin irritation as well!

Keep Weight Off

Plastic surgeries like body contouring or liposuction can make it easier for patients to keep weight off. By removing extra fat, patients can lose some weight, while improving their overall shape and appearance. Additionally, these plastic surgeries can motivate people to maintain an exercise routine and to eat healthily even after their procedures.

These are just a few examples of how plastic surgery can provide health benefits, in addition to aesthetic improvements. Check out this interactive guide to identify other health benefits of plastic surgery. And don’t forget to consult with your plastic surgeon to determine which surgeries can help you get the results you want!

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