Nootropics For Studying: Double Your Focus and Productivity

In this article, we’re going to be looking at a few easy-to-use and cheap nootropics to help DOUBLE your focus, productivity, and more!

Nootropics, AKA “smart drugs” are supplements that are used to provide the brain with everything it needs in order to work to its maximum potential.

Today, we’ll be breaking down what nootropics are exactly, and which ones are the best for you and your goals.

So, with that said, let’s jump right into it!

What Are Nootropics?

As alluded to in the intro, Nootropics can be seen as “fuel for the mind”. The most common and popular example of a nootropic would be caffeine.

Caffeine is classified as a very effective nootropic, but what many people don’t know, is that there are actually many other supplements that can help one’s energy, productivity, and focus.

These supplements are called Nootropics and are extremely beneficial to anyone who wants to be more effective at work, studying, etc.

Oftentimes, nootropics are taken with others that allow them to work synergistically with each other… This is known as a “stack”.

A good example of a high-quality stack can be found in this article here: https://hardgainerbodybuilding.com/limitless-nootropics-review/

But there are other great stacks out there too! In fact, we’ll talk about a few of them throughout this article.

The Best Nootropics For Studying

While there are MANY different types of Nootropics on the market, for the sake of this article we’ll be looking at ones that will help you to really lock in and focus.

These Nootropics are perfect for college students who may have to do a LOT of intense research, as well as be able to use wrap their head around any potentially abstract concepts.

These are the best cheap Nootropics for studying:

  • Caffeine
  • L-Theanine
  • Lions Mane

Not only are these great for studying because they’re cheaper than 90% of other nootropics, but they’re also great because they can be stacked together for even more productivity!

You do not have to stack any of these, and as with any new supplement, make sure you check with your doctor before use.

Caffeine For Energy & Focus

Many people know of caffeine’s ability to give the user more energy. What most people don’t know is the benefits that go beyond THAT.

In fact, one study shows that people who consumed 300mg of caffeine, had significant increases in areas related to mood, cognition, and overall performance!

The average cup of coffee has around 100mg of caffeine in it, so in order to get the most benefit from this potent nootropic, people should aim for around 1-3 cups of coffee per day.

This must be done relatively early in the day however, so as not to mess with a person’s sleep which is just as important!

L-Theanine For Mental Calm

L-theanine is another nootropic that’s very cheap, can be found in many commercial stores, yet produces BIG results.

Studies show that the consumption of roughly 100-200mg of L-theanine is very effective in combating stress, and anxiety in users.

While the anxiety and stress reduction benefits are important, L-theanine makes it onto this list, for it’s effectiveness when paired with caffeine!

Anecdotal reports show that when users consume roughly 100-200mg of L-Theanine per cup of coffee, their focus becomes razor-sharp!

This is because L-theanine, counteracts the anxiety typically caused by caffeine, leaving users with a smooth-yet-sharp focus!

Lions Mane For Memory & Creativity

Memory is important when doing things like intense studying. When your memory is fluid and on-point, you’ll be able to recall certain pieces of information to help you make more sense of that which you’re studying.

This is where Lions Mane comes in. Lions Mane has been shown to be extremely beneficial for improving memory in users as well as fluid memory which can lead to increased creativity.

Think of it like having more access to parts of your brain that you couldn’t use before. That’s what certain Nootropics like Lions Mane does!

Putting It All Together

Whilst each of these by themselves are amazing, and you will certainly find benefits, the real magic happens when you decide to use them at the same time!

Again, this is called a “stack” and as far as stacks go, the combination of Caffeine, L-theanine, and Lions Mane is one of the most beginner-friendly yet POTENT supplement stacks out there!

The caffeine will provide you with the energy your brain needs…

The L-theanine will make sure that energy can be focused and used effectively like a laser…

And the Lions Mane will help you to unlock the full potential of your brain!

This beginner-friendly stack while simple, is very effective and can be a MASSIVE help when it comes to things like studying, writing, or just general everyday work.

Safety & Side Effects

Lastly, we’ll talk about the safety and side effects of these Nootropics.

Keep in mind that various Nootropics may or may not have different side effects, but as with everything on this list, if you take them how it’s prescribed the chances of you experiencing any side effects are very slim.

Out of all the things on this list, the only Nootropic you’re likely to get any side effects from if you take too much is caffeine.

Here are the most common side effects of too much caffeine:

  • Headaches
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Dehydration
  • Jitters
  • Anxiety

Again keep in mind that everyone is different and certain supplements may affect people differently.

This is why it’s important that you check with your doctor before accidentally trying something that you may be allergic to for example.

But if your doctor clears you for use, and you’re using the prescribed amounts, then these supplements are some of the safest out there!

The Bottom Line

In the end, nootropics are an absolutely amazing tool for anyone who does any brain-intensive work. This could be studying, writing, working, or even creative pursuits like painting.

As always, if you found this article helpful, then make sure to check out the rest of Wellbeing Support for even MORE great articles on how to live a healthier, happier, and more effective life!

And until then, I’ll see you next time!

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