How To Make Your Mornings Beautiful And Healthier

What’s your kind of definition for ideal healthy morning routine?

Satisfactory sleep + get up at right time + have a right kind of breakfast.

Now, What Happens:

Mom, getting late will have the breakfast later or will have a heavy lunch!!

Oh, no again I woke up late! Gotta skip Breakfast! Gotta Rush!

Ah, all these struggles were so tiring! In no mood to work well…

Didn’t have the right amount of sleep, poor me, when will these hrs pass?

So can return to my bed

What Needs To Be Done?

  •                    A Change in Mindset
  •                    Self-Awareness
  •                    Get All The Facts Right
  •                    Decide some terms for yourself
  •                    Stay Honest And Observe and Re-plan

How to go About it:

  1. Mornings ⇎ Sucks:

How Pleasantry is Scenes in the movies of people getting up with a smile on face feeling all energized and completely satisfied. It can be the same for you if you change the notion that you are been living on mornings are just bad things.

It’s actually one of the best things to see the nature bloom, and also they get more time to complete chores without hurrying up that makes the mood high to be more productive throughout the day.

With a little workout on yourself, one can generate tonnes of energy for the whole day as that wake up the cells in your body which will lead more intake of oxygen and more energy to do all the stuff you planned to do.

  1. Don’t Ignore the signs by your body:

People tend to dismiss the Signs their body gives, Some needs 6 hrs of sleep while many can do well even with 5 hrs. Hence it’s important to know what is your body type as forcing something which is not suitable won’t lead to positive results.

Have a look at your lifestyle than if you want to see the better version of you than make changes and take care of the needs of your body.

The Healthier you, the Happier you!

  1. The Importance of  Breakfast:

Its not said to be the most important meal for no reasons. Whatever you have in the starting of the day is used by your body throughout the day since it will be burnt more to gain energy.

So give the body something which has some worth like oatmeal, chai seeds, nuts, berries, yoghurt, green tea, fruits, smoothies…

This makes you even more sure on having a great day ahead as you started your morning perfectly ;).

  1. Calorie hype:

Have Breakfast like the King, Lunch like a Prince, Dinner like a pauper!

Ok, this is something we all should inculcate. What about Myths going on around calories.

Calories are important if one is trying to be fit or lean or to gain muscles but going till the earth’s end for the calculation is too much also people copy others in its intake but each one has different need, and there’s a proper formula for things to work right as wrong assumptions won’t take you anywhere and finally being frustrated seeing no change people quit and for the right details visit.

  1. The Swap Trick:

This trick helps to a great extent as its human psychology if we are said to stop intake of some stuffs our brain will go in that very direction and urge to have it increases. Hence replacement is the ideal solution.

White Flour       →            Coconut Flour

White Sugar       →           Coconut Sugar

Veg Oil                →           Coconut Oil

Bread crumbs      →         Rolled Oats

White Rice           →          Quinoa

Mashed Potatoes     →     Mashed Cauliflower

White Bread             →    Brown bread

  1. Pocket-Friendly:

Maybe a childish one at that but it do work many times ;), Though this is just a small list:

Crunchy Snacks                VS      Carrots         =  30% of savings

(Chocs) Sweet Treats       VS      Black raisins = 21% of savings

(Cheese)Dairy                   VS      Smoothie      =  22% of savings

(Alcoholic/Beer)Drinks   VS     Refreshing fruit juices= 53% of savings

Dessert                                VS     Dry Fruit Bar =   17% of saving

It may prove as motivation for some.

  1. Journal It:

Pen down your findings and then find out a way to achieve them. Take up the challenge and promise to work on decided plan.

On feeling its too much of efforts think about why you decided to do it and on the mind-blowing results you would be getting and motivate yourself through it.

The matter is only on habits once we and our body gets accustomed it all becomes automatic without any efforts your morning routine will change forever.

  1. Uniformity:

Continuity is the key. Following for mere 2-3 days is of no use and re-starting things, again and again, is just procrastination and even that won’t lead you near to your aim.

Even for one week if the plan is followed with dedication and honesty I am sure it will bear the sweet fruits, and no longer you will remember that you are the very same person who hated morning hours ;).

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