Healthy Lifestyle

From Smoke to Fresh Air: Your Personalized Quit Smoking Plan

Are you feeling the call for a healthier lifestyle but don't know where to start? Quitting smoking can be one…

3 Easy Ways To Prevent Injury Effectively

If you are someone who’s prone to injury, whether it’s due to old age, intense physical performance, or other factors,…

A Healthy Lifestyle, A Healthy You: How to Live with Purpose and Gratitude

Nowadays, the concept of a healthy lifestyle is a favourite topic of conversation. A healthy lifestyle can have many different…

10 Practical Tips to Avoid and Reduce Stress in Your Life

Stress is a normal part of everyone's life.  Some stress is actually beneficial. However, chronic stress is detrimental to both…

5 Celebrities Promoting Health & Wellness

As personal a thing as it is to address your own health and wellness, it can also be extremely beneficial…

How Co-Living Can Improve Your Wellbeing

The big question about shared living is whether it can actually improve one’s mental health and well-being. Many people have…

5 Unexpected Ways to Live Healthier Lifestyle

You’re probably tired of hearing the same old health advice. Eating right, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep…

The Top Diets To Try in 2019

New year, new you… or so you thought. If you haven’t started the year off on the right foot or…

Body Positivity

With friends and family members announcing their New Year's resolutions left and right, you might find yourself struggling to feel…

How to Balance Diet and Exercise for A Healthier Life

There can be many reasons to want to improve your overall health. Eating healthy and exercising can help improve your…