How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

If you have stretch marks you may wonder what home remedies are available to get rid of these unsightly lines.

How to get rid of stretch marksin effective way?

There are many home remedies that you can choose from, you just need to know the tried and true treatments. These marks can make one self conscious and many of us do not want to show off our stomach or legs with stretch marks. This can be considered unsightly. They are a nuisance on the body and most people have them at some point in their life. These stretch marks are caused by sudden changes in body weight brought about by pregnancy of obesity. You need not to worry because there are home remedies to get rid of .

  • One includes eating nutritious food that includes Vitamin K. Vitamin K can be bought as a cream that can be applied directly to the stretch marks. The other option is to eat food that includes that vitamin like green leafy vegetables. You can also take a multi-vitamin that includes Vitamin K.
  • Another home remedies for stretch marks is to get a cream that includes lavender. This can be applied to the marks directly. You can follow the directions on the cream and you will probably love the scent of the lavender cream.
  • The use of Aloe Vera and Vitamin E in the form of a cream. This can be applied directly and will get rid of these scars as well. This cream is also good for irritations and dry skin along as well.
  • If you do not want to buy creams you can make your own cream or combination of oils to apply directly unto the stretch mark. You can use carrier oil, chamomile, and lavender as an ingredient. This concoction will be effective on treating these ugly lines.

Prevention is always extremely important. It is a good idea to keep in shape so that you do not develop these unsightly lines, if you are pregnant you can use Vaseline on areas to prevent them, and finally you can eat food rich in Zinc to help your body rejuvenate itself.

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