Why Going Bald Matters to Us and How it can be Stopped?

Not all men can pull off looking sharp and handsome being bald. Fact is it takes a special kind of man and that is why when men start to lose hair especially when they are young it becomes a serious matter.

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That is why there may come a time when their hair starts to thin out noticeably and whatever the cause of the hair loss, it can have serious impact on the persons emotional content making them reticent with direct implication on their personal and professional life. But yes some men may not be particularly bothered by the gradual onset of hair loss but that is when they are already middle aged but for others may it can traumatize them.

A lot of progress has been made in the last decade or so to overcome baldness and there are some very promising medications available that can halt hair loss but there is still no solution for the re-growth of lost any hair, until now. The best way to reverse hair loss is hair transplantation, a method that is guaranteed to overcome hair loss.

How hair transplant became so popular?

There was time when people looked at hair transplant with apprehension but when celebrities started endorsing it the opinion started to change and now this procedure has become a specialty on its own and some of the best plastic surgeons are performing it in India.

What is FUE and FUT and are they different procedures from each other?

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplant (FUT) are two methods of hair transplant and in both these procedures, the hair transplantation can be done so effective even the person who cuts your hair will not know the difference because the transplanted hair is permanent and in nearly all cases the hair will stay in place for the rest of the person’s life.

Follicular Unit Extraction

Follicular Unit Extraction is a procedure where there is minimal scarring and the after effects of this hair transplantation procedure is often a little swelling. In this procedure individual hair follicles are extracted and implanted on the bald area and is preferred when patient has average hair loss particularly. Also FUE is allows much quicker recovery time and a much lower level of discomfort after the procedure.

Follicular Unit Transplantation

If hair loss is extensive Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT is preferred also known as the strip harvesting. Here the hair follicles are harvested in a strip of skin from the back or side of the head and the rest of the process is same. The only down side is there will be a thin linear scar on the back of the head but gets covered once the hair grows plus it takes a bit longer to recover but worth the wait.

We all want to look desirable and distinguished and when we lose hair we lose our sheen and hair loss in men has been a big problem. Research has proven that men with good hair said baldness would bother them and there is no scientific evidence that balding men are more virile or intelligent and getting hair transplant have given men renewed sense of higher self esteem and more confidence. In short loss of hair does prove to be an impediment in person’s social life and if you ask them they will honestly tell you how they really feels about hair loss.

Fact is most men would rather have a full head of hair because people do judge others by their appearance and it is a cold hard fact. However getting a hair transplant shouldn’t b based on what others might think because that adds to pressure but more importantly how you would feel because it is your life and it is your happiness.

Balaji Subramanian is a writer for Radiance Cosmedic Centre. He is an experienced blogger and has written several articles on hair transplant to help consumers make better and informed decisions

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