Categories: Skin care

Factors That May Potentially Trigger Eczema

Eczema has been recognized as skin disease, which can be caused due to many reasons. It comes from genes. In 9 out of 10 cases, eczema is a genetic disorder. In some cases, it can be a sexually transmitted disease. In many cases, it has been noted that even having a genetic history for this skin disorder, people do not face it.

A few factors are there, and these factors are considered as triggering factors for eczema. So, here are those triggering factors for eczema at a glance for you.

Poor Hygiene

Any persistent skin rash or irritations can become eczema. Poor health is certainly responsible for eczema. If you do not maintain proper hygiene or you do not wash your hands or other portions of the body properly, eczema will certainly take.

As we all know, eczema is a progressive disease, which means it progresses or spreads with the advent of time. Some people do not maintain good hygiene, as they do not use soaps for the cleansing body. Once you acquire eczema, you cannot also apply soap on the irritations, as it is too late. Nevertheless, the presence of alkali will help to spread the irritation on vast areas of skin.

Not Having Adequate Water

Eczema can be triggered if you do not have water adequately on a daily basis. Water should be consumed enough. To be specific, an adult should consume 3.5 liters to 5 liters of water on daily basis. If you drink water lesser than that skin dryness will take place, and that can cause skin irritations. The irritation will further lead to eczema. So, not drinking water adequately, dehydration and skin dryness are considered as primary reasons behind eczema.


Poor nutrition or malnutrition is primarily a reason behind eczema or other skin related issues. Malnutrition means lack of nutrients in the body. When percentages of vitamins, minerals, and other essential elements decrease significantly into the body, the body shall start having immunity issues. The body will become vulnerable to face many kinds of diseases or disorders.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency causes harm to your skin in the first place. Your skin texture will start deteriorating. Your skin will become dry as well as dull. This can potentially lead to skin irritations which shall further lead to the occurrence of eczema. A balanced diet and eating much vitamin as well mineral enriched foods should be consumed to avoid collagen eczema.

Stress and Lack of Sleep

Lack of proper sleep and stress are major triggering factors for eczema. Stress can come these days commonly for us. We have to undergo fast paced lifestyle. We need to deal with many responsibilities. We need to take immense workloads. Nevertheless, we indulge ourselves into competition with others so that we can clinch the ace spot.

Absence of rest specifically affected the auxiliary respectability of skin, implying that the skin boundary is debilitated. Lack of sleep and stress are the aftermath of all these things. When these things are persisting in your life, skin rashes, irritations and eczema would be triggered.

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