Categories: Skin care

Different Kinds of Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Different Kinds of Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

There are many different options available if you are thinking of doing some sort of facial rejuvenation. Nowadays there are many other options out there besides just having invasive plastic surgery. The benefits of these procedures are that they require no incisions and may not require anesthesia, plus these patients experience minimal, or no downtime at all. For these reasons, minimally invasive procedures are gaining in popularity with the general public. The following are some examples of some common skin complaints and examples of non-invasive technology that may be utilized.


Wrinkle Removal: Wrinkles are one of the most common complaints for people trying to battle the signs of aging. For people who wish to get rid of wrinkles there are a few facial rejuvenation options. For example, a person can elect to get Botox injections. These injections will provide immediate results, but anyone interested in getting them should be aware of the fact that the results are not permanent as they would be with something like a face lift, and will have to be maintained every few months.


Sun Damage: People who are suffering from sun damaged skin have the option of trying a laser called Fraxel. While it shares many of the same elements as basic laser treatments, the main difference is that it takes small sections of the skin and repairs it.


Irregular Pigmentation: A facial chemical peel can be done for those who have a lot of irregular pigmentation, or even wrinkles. Basically, an acidic mixture is applied to the face, which will then slowly dissolve the topmost skin layers. The skin that is left underneath is newer, and much smoother. After the procedure, it will be very important to stay out of the sun, since the skin will be especially sensitive while it heals.


Acne: Some people who have acne might want to try blue light laser treatment for their acne. In such a procedure, light is directed at the upper layers of the infected area. The intense heat gets rid of the damaged skin tissue, and the light stimulates blow flood, which in turn stimulates the growth of new, healthy skin tissue.


Fresher Skin and Various Uses: Microderm abrasion is a popular procedure for everything from treating acne, to reducing the look of wrinkles. It is a mini procedure that involves the skin being “sandblasted” by aluminum oxide crystals, baking soda, salt or corn cob granules to remove the stratum, top layer of the skin; dead skin cells.


There are fewer risks involved with these procedures, but no matter what kind of procedure a person chooses, it is very important that they find an excellent specialist to perform the procedure.

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