Can’t Quit Your Bad Habits? You’re Doing It All Wrong

Many people all over the country understand the damage they could be doing to themselves with their bad habits. And the vast majority of those folks would love nothing more than to quit smoking, drinking, overeating and whatever else it is that is causing them trouble. But few ever actually manage to do it successfully. Why is this? Let’s take a look at why the method of quitting is so important for your success rates – and how you can start changing your mindset.

There is no silver bullet

What motivates one person to realize their ambitions won’t work for another – it’s that simple. There are no proven methods of stopping your bad habits that work for everyone, as you are completely different from the next person. Often, it’s not even the addiction or bad habit itself that is driving you to partake – it’s something that is underlying in your psyche. Perhaps you drink too much to cloud your mind, so you don’t have to think. Maybe you smoke cigarettes because you are incredibly stressed. Or, are you self-harming through your bad habit as you are depressed or lacking in self-esteem? Fix those problems, and you will be in a much better place to address your bad habits.

You feel like you are starving yourself

When you have a bad habit, it’s like something you turn to when you need it. And taking that comfort blanket away can be alarming, and make you feel uneasy. Naturally, you feel like you are missing out on something, and also feel that you can’t continue with your abstinence  – and the entire addiction/bad habit process starts over again. So, seek out something healthier to replace your bad habits. You might try to swap your chocolate cake at snack time for a piece of fruit, for example. Or, as O2Vape.com/vape-pens-wholesale recommend, trade in your cigarettes for vaping instead. It’s these little steps that will help you break your habits, and once you feel empowered, you can then go onto replacing your fruit with more vegetables, and your vaping habit for chewing gum.

The social pressure

Go out with friends, and there will be booze involved. Go out to dinner at a restaurant and it is likely your meal will contain large levels of salt, sugar, or be fatty – but delicious – foods. We’re surrounded by situations that encourage our bad habits. All these types of social interaction open up the door to temptation, which can be incredibly difficult to resist, and people can even make you feel bad about it.

Take drinking alcohol as a perfect example. According to xojane.com/issues/how-to-resist-drinking-in-social-situations, there are plenty of people out there who don’t even trust those that don’t drink! As someone who is trying to recover from an addiction or bad habit, that’s tough to deal with. The solution? Take it slowly and try and avoid these social occasions when you are just starting out. When you feel a little more confident, only ever go out with trusted friends who won’t judge or question you. And by the time you are ready to turn down a glass of wine from an acquaintance, you will have the strength to hold firm.

Source: https://conscioused.org/wiki/habits/

Picture Credit: pexels.com

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