Achieve Moxe Health And Well Being with Essential Oils

Energy drop, constant stress, depression, but also physical consequences have become our reality. Therefore, we strive to find a quick and effective solution to these problems that will help us regain balance in our own lives. According to Moxe Health, essential oils are just what we need.

Satisfying Sense of Smell

For complete enjoyment and relaxation, our senses must be satisfied. Soothing music, a stay in nature or a room of bright colors, delicious food, but also pleasant scents can revive and recover us. Smells have a powerful effect on our nervous system and can bring us back in time, or stimulate some pleasant memories. Although it may not be the key to survival, the sense of smell plays a crucial role in our health and well-being of body and mind.

Essential oils are fragranced liquids obtained by extraction from plants, in such a way that they retain all favorable medicinal properties. However, we must not forget that these substances are not medicines and should not be used as a replacement for some conventional therapies. They are most useful as an addition to treatment, but also for skincare, relaxation, or prevention.

Essential Oils for Skin Care

The use of essential oils for cosmetic purposes is not an invention of the modern age. The benefits of these extracts have been known since ancient times, and today they are the basis without which the modern cosmetic industry would not even exist.

Our body naturally secretes a certain amount of oil to keep the skin hydrated and supple. Due to aging, but also the influence of external factors (air, radiation), the production of this sebum decreases. That affects the appearance of wrinkles, freckles, dryness, and other irregularities that ruin the appearance and functionality of our skin.

Anti-wrinkle treatments should restore the skin’s elasticity while providing maximum care. As much as you can, avoid industrial cosmetics and turn to natural alternatives. Geranium oil affects the surface tissue shrinking and filling fine lines around the lips and eyes.

For the treatment of dark eye bags, you can use immortelle or rose essential oil, as they stimulate collagen production, cleanses the skin from free radicals, and promotes circulation. On this page, find out how this ugly skin irregularity occurs.

Treating Respiratory Problems

Aromatherapy has proven to be extremely effective in treating upper respiratory tract disease, but solely as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Inhalation serves to relieve the airways of tension and secretion. If we combine this procedure with essential oils, we will get a powerful remedy for colds and flu.

For aromatherapy session at home, it is essential to use quality, organic oils. They have the highest percentage of purity, due to the least degree of processing, and the utilization of useful substances. Add a few drops to steaming hot water and breath in, or in diffusers.

For treating throat irritation and dry cough, tea tree, eucalyptus, and camphor oils can help. If the symptoms of the cold are cough and stuffy nose with secretion, we’ll need something to stimulate mucus degradation and removal. These are cajuput and cineole based oils that have a highly expectorant effect.

Natural Air Freshener

Why so, find out on this link. Commercial fresheners have pleasant aromas but also a wealth of chemicals. Instead, you can use any essential oils; their aroma will fill the room instantly. Plus, they have therapeutic effects.

Why pleasant scents make us feel better, check on the link below:


You can use one flavor or combine several. The combinations vary, depending on what you want to achieve and what pleases you. For example, lavender and calendula have relaxing effects and are the right choice for the bedroom.

Citrus essential oils boost mood and energy, while mint and eucalyptus aromas ‘wake up’ and stimulate the brain. Put a few drops on a piece of wood and leave it next to the bed or somewhere on the shelf. Or you can make a refresher in the spray.

Maintaining health and balance in life has become a difficult task today. People are in a constant rush and chase to achieve material well-being, to forget about mental well-being. They have less and less time to themselves, which is why they feel bad without sometimes being aware of it.

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