7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

The easiest way to lose weight is to boost your metabolism. Some of us are blessed with a fast metabolism, while others have a slow metabolism. And in a world where you can track basically everything, it is easy to notice that even the simplest things like working in the office affect your metabolism. Every time we consume food, enzymes in our body break down the food and turn it into energy. This is the simple explanation how our body gets energy. We use that energy for our heart beating, our mind thinking, and our legs churning. A fast metabolism equals to more calories burned. There are many ways to boost your metabolism.

Today, we will stick to just several of the simplest and easiest. Really the trick is to outsmart your metabolic rate. You are basically telling your metabolism to work extra, even though it doesn’t need. Here are some easy lifestyle changes and tricks you can use to boost your metabolism.

Vary your foods

Over the years, you’ve probably developed keenness towards certain foods. You probably have your favorite breakfast, your favorite lunch, and your favorite dinner. And there is nothing wrong in that. The problem is when you consume those foods over and over again.

What you need to understand is the nutritional value of foods. Each food you consume has its own unique nutrient profile. Eating the same foods over and over again will slow down your metabolism. Some of those foods might be great for your metabolism, but do not consume them repeatedly. Mixing foods keeps your metabolism challenged, and that means working fast.

Introduce some apple cider vinegar

If there is one food that kicks your metabolism into overdrive, that is apple cider vinegar. There are so many health benefits of consuming ACV, a full article doesn’t even cover it. Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples. Some of the benefits include improving gut bacteria, preventing inflammation, lower blood sugar levels, and most importantly, help with weight loss.

The beauty of apple cider vinegar is you can easily incorporate it into your diet. Embrace ACV and add it to your salads, or drink diluted in water. Whatever you do, get more apple cider vinegar in your diet.

Drink water

Every weight loss article you will read has a section about drinking water. Exactly how much water do you need? While the general rule of thumb is eight glasses of water, you have to look at your weight and your lifestyle. For example, if you consume a lot of fruits and veggies that are rich in water, you do not need 8 glasses of water.

But the fact of the matter is that nothing speeds up your metabolism and improves your digestion like water. And the funny thing is, most people underestimate water and forget to drink it. One of the ways water helps with weight loss is to keep us full so we do not overeat.

Drink tea

Tea is the next level of drinking water. Basically, tea is hot water with some herbs. No matter what tea you drink, you will boost your metabolism. Now, if you really want to kick things up notch, go for green tea.

Many studies have shown that green tea is best for weight loss. Rich in antioxidants, green tea increases your energy and boosts your metabolism in a second. Just make sure you do not drink more than 3 cups of tea per day. After all, tea contains caffeine, and you want to limit consumption of caffeine.


You might not know it and understand it, but sleep affects your metabolic rate. You need at least six to eight hours per day of sleep to balance hormones in your body. These hormones affect your appetite regulation, insulin production, and much more. Insulin is the most important hormone to keep in check, as insulin regulates your metabolism. When you are not getting enough sleep, you are stressed, and your body’s natural production of insulin is affected. As a result, your metabolism slows down.


It will come as a surprise, but fasting can help. Now, when we talk about fasting, we are not talking about fasting for weeks. Instead, we talk about short fasts that will allow your digestive system to rest and cleanse. For example, stop eating at 8pm, and get your next meal the following morning. A 12 hour fast helps your digestive system prepare for another round of food.


You might say the most important aspect of boosting your metabolism. What many people get it wrong is that they think moving means one hour of intense workout. Wrong. You need to move each and every day. Just a 15-minute walk will speed up your metabolism. Think of all the little changes you can make to move more. For example, take breaks from your work at the computer, and walk in the office for 5 minutes, take the stairs, etc.

Implement just half of these lifestyle changes and tricks, and you’ll notice improvements. Your metabolism will be faster, you will burn more calories, and eventually lose more weight.

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