5 Unexpected Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

You’re probably tired of hearing the same old health advice. Eating right, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep are important, but you probably already know that. Sleep, diet and exercise are the three pillars of health, which is why they’re discussed over and over. However, you might be interested in thinking outside the box when it comes to health and wellbeing.

These five lifestyle tweaks could be great ways to take your health to the next level. Going beyond what you already know, they’re an unexpected twist on your traditional wellbeing tips!

  1. Reframe how you think about stress
    Here’s a statement you’ve probably heard before: Stress is bad for your health. But what if that wasn’t true? One study found that reframing how we view stress could make a big difference.In the study, people who experienced a lot of stress in the previous year were 43% more likely to die if they also believed that stress is bad for your health. People who didn’t think that stress is harmful had the lowest risk of dying.

    The next time you’re feeling stressed out, it might help to consider how this might be a good thing. A pounding heart may mean more oxygen is getting to your brain, helping fuel your problem-solving ability. That could be a good thing!

  2. Get comfortable talking about money
    Money can cause a lot of stress for people. Worrying about the bills, retirement or your partner’s spending habits are common. Even if you’re not worried about stress anymore, money could still lead to unwanted arguments with your spouse!But, talking about your finances could be a good thing. An Australian study discovered that people willing to talk openly about money were less worried about it. They were also more likely to actively take care of their finances, possibly leading to fewer worries down the road.

    This same study found that couples who like talking about money with each other rarely or never fought about their finances. So, if you’ve been avoiding a conversation about savings, life insurance or online shopping, it might be a good idea to start one.

  3. Spice up your food
    Salt is commonly added to all types of food to help flavour it. However, eating too much of it is linked to some serious health issues, like high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.But, if you’re watching your salt intake, you don’t necessarily need to settle for bland dishes. Herbs, spices, vinegar, citrus and chilis could also add a punch of flavour. You might find that they’re a great salt substitute for many recipes.

    Even better—spicy foods might be good for you! Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, may work as an anti-inflammatory and help prevent some cancers.

  4. Spend more time outdoors
    How many times did your mum send you outside for some fresh air when you were a kid? Though she may have just wanted some peace and quiet, getting out in nature could be good for your health.Sunlight is a big source of vitamin D, which may help fight everything from osteoporosis to depression. Just remember to take precautions against sunburn and stay well hydrated, especially on hot days.

    Going outside often means engaging in activities that get your heart pumping. Walks or hikes, playing in the backyard or a swim at the beach are all great ways to enjoy the sun and exercise at the same time.

  5. Try to laugh ever day
    As the old saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” But this adage is no joke! It might not be a miracle cure, but a good belly laugh could give your wellbeing a boost.Laughter may have some great short-term benefits. When you giggle, you naturally breathe more, sending extra oxygen to your heart, lungs and muscles. You also release endorphins, which help relax the body and could ease muscle tension.

    In the long term, laughter could help improve the immune system and relieve pain. It might help lessen depression by lifting your mood or make it easier to handle difficult situations. Sounds like it might be time to watch a funny movie!

Living a healthier life is important for many people – it’s no wonder there’s so much advice about it out there! But as you can see, wellness may be reached in lots of different ways. If you’re already prioritising healthy eating, exercise and good sleep, why not add a few of these suggestions to your routine, too?

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