Categories: Skin care

5 Things You Shouldn’t Miss When Caring For Sensitive Skin

Having sensitive skin means you are more prone to developing negative reactions than most skin types. This idea can be both intimidating and overwhelming, especially if you don’t have any idea on what you can and can’t do. It’s also a bit restrictive, since it gives you less options when it comes to product choices.

To help you care for your skin the best way possible, here are 5 of the essential things you shouldn’t miss.


1. Only use products that are fit for your skin type

There are tons of products today that promise to whiten your skin, nourish it and make you look several years younger. Without the right ideas, it can be quite easy to get tempted with their claims and give all of a them a try.

This is one of the worst things you can do to your sensitive skin.

Since your skin is vulnerable, you can quickly develop rashes and become itchy once you get in contact with harsh chemicals and irritating ingredients. Aside from these discomforts, there are some cases of sensitivity reactions that come with life-threatening effects, like difficulty breathing and decreased level of consciousness.

Before these things even happen, you should know exactly what products are fit and not fit for your skin type.

To give you an idea, the best products to use on sensitive skin are those that come without preservatives, artificial ingredients and perfumes. For a safer choice, choose natural or organic products as they are less irritating.

When making a purchase, don’t just rely on claims and labels. You can’t expect manufacturers to be completely honest, especially if they need to increase their revenues. What you can do is read product labels and really take the time to understand what each of them contains. Take note of what makes an ingredient harmful for your skin and what makes one beneficial.

Do your research before you actually buy. You can read reviews and visit the product’s website to get as much information as you can.

As an idea, products that contain alcohol and parabens are bad for your skin and health. If you are into makeup products, choose those that have mineral formulations to avoid sensitivity reactions.

2. Heal cracked skin

Some of the discomforts that come with sensitive skin are dryness, cracking and flaking. One you see these things, there’s a good chance that the outermost layer of your skin is already damaged.

As a result, your skin’s natural barrier becomes ineffective to the point that it fails to retain water. Apart from that, cracked skin can also make it easy for bacteria and harmful chemicals to get into your skin and cause more damage.

To improve your skin’s condition and make it healthy, you should use products that can effectively restore its barrier. Some of your best options include oils which have lipids that can mimic the ones on your skin. Take, for example, jojoba and coconut oil.

3. Engage in proper skin care

Engaging in proper skin care isn’t only essential in clearing acne. Since your skin type is already vulnerable, you should carry out a routine to prevent more damage and restore your skin to its healthiest state.

Cleansing your skin with a gentle face wash can help regulate oil as well as free your skin from makeup residues and dirt that can cause your pores to get inflamed. Ideally, you should cleanse your face twice a day, in the morning and evening.

Exfoliation is a tricky subject when you are dealing with sensitive skin. You have to get rid of the layers of dead skin cells that are preventing product absorption. At the same time, you want to be gentle enough that you don’t cause further harm.

Moisturizers are essential, no matter what your skin type is. It will make sure your skin stays hydrated. Apart from that, applying moisturizer, especially after showering and cleansing, can restore your skin’s lost moisture, too.

4. Stay protected from the sun

Before heading out, make sure that you are properly protected from the sun. Since your skin’s barrier is already compromised, it’s a good idea to invest in a good sunscreen for extra protection

Pick one that doesn’t contain chemical filters, like PABA and avobenzone. This type of filter can penetrate the skin and trigger several negative reactions in your body. For a safer way to protect your skin, choose sunscreens that work by mechanically repelling UVA and UVB rays. Titanium dioxide, as well as zinc oxide, are your best bet. Instead of getting absorbed, these two ingredients sit on top of the skin.

Apart from sunscreen, you should also wear sun protective gears when you know you’ll be exposed to extreme sunlight. Wear hats and avoid tight fitting clothes to get more protection.

5. Eat healthy

When caring for sensitive skin, you should be as focused on what you apply on it as what you eat on a regular basis. Loading your diet with junk foods and sweets can deprive your skin of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Aside from nutrient deprivation, a poor diet can also cause more sensitivity reactions.

Rosacea, for example, can be triggered by eating chocolates and spicy foods. For some people, dairy and soy products can trigger sensitivity issues as well. There are sugar molecules that can cause collagen and elastin proteins to break down easily. As a result, you get skin that’s not only irritated but wrinkly, too.

When figuring out the right foods for your diet, it’s best to avoid meals prepared with food colorings and monosodium glutamate. They are known to cause lesions and hives in sensitive individuals.
Healthy foods for sensitive skin include fruits and vegetables that are packed with antioxidants. They are helpful in skin repair and preventing free radical damage. Omega 3 fatty acids are also essential, especially those that can be found in fish oils, since they can tone down inflammation and other signs of allergies. You can also increase your intake of foods that are rich in carotenoids and vitamin C.

“Hannah Do is the founder of Thank Your Skin, beauty blog dedicated to provide honest skin care advice and information. She aspires to help her readers achieve their most beautiful skin by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research. Check out her latest article about Best Toner for acne. You can find her on TwitterPinterest and Facebook

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