5 Lesser-Known Tips for Easing Neck Pain

Have you ever experienced neck pain? Persistent neck pain can be a nightmare to live with and will force you to seek any remedy possible. If the pain persists after trying chiropractic care or other conventional treatment, check out these lesser known tips. They are simple, natural alternatives that will work wonders.


Increasing Water Intake

Being dehydrated can lead to neck pain. Water is crucial to your body’s functioning and your spine’s vertebrae are no exception. Water is required for accurate spinal alignment, to maintain disk height and ease pressure on your spine. Increasing water intake helps you stay hydrated.

Continuous body hydration prevents your cervical discs from degenerating and helps reduce neck pain. Drink at least half your weight in water, per day. To encourage this, carry a water bottle as a reminder to stay hydrated through the day.

Boost Your Magnesium Intake

Magnesium is a mineral that supports the contraction and relaxation of body muscles. Your neck pain may be a result of muscle sprain or strain. Increasing magnesium intake can reduce neck pain by decreasing muscle tightness around your neck.

Before taking a supplement, increase magnesium in your diet. Common sources of magnesium include whole grains, nuts, vegetables, fruits, beans and soy products. An Epsom salt bath aids in magnesium absorption, so does magnesium oil applied to the skin after a bath. Consult a health professional before taking supplements.

Check Your Pillow

If you wake up with neck pain every morning, it’s time you changed your pillow. Your current pillow may be a problem because it’s not providing the right support your neck requires. A memory foam pillow will properly align your spine, eliminate stiffness and prevent neck pain.

A water pillow is another option to reduce neck pain.It allows you to influence your pillow’s firmness. More water means a firmer pillow and vice versa. Experts argue that it can be harmful if you sleep on a soft pillow as it does not support the neck, head and shoulders thus predisposing the side sleepers to neck pains. A water pillow is considered rejuvenating and may work where other methods have failed.

Adjust Your Posture

Do you spend majority of your time sitting or standing? How you sit at work, in the car or at home may be a major contributor to your neck pain. Standing for long periods of time without arch support is unhealthy. It’s crucial to ensure your spine is well aligned and supported when you sit or stand throughout the day.

A back support system such as a cushion or a back rest will help maintain your spine alignment, eliminating neck pain. Also, avoid holding the phone with your neck as you speak on it. This intensifies your neck pain by straining your cervical spine.

Make Swimming a Habit

If you already have an exercise routine, incorporate swimming into it. Make sure the other exercises don’t strain your neck. If you don’t exercise, start swimming at least 1 hour a day, four days a week. Swimming reduces neck stiffness, provides pain relief and lowers inflammation.

Work with a health professional to identify swimming strokes that don’t strain your neck. Swim in a warm swimming pool and try to engage in aerobic water exercise without twisting your neck. If swimming is strenuous for your neck, try water therapy. Carry out your exercises in a warm swimming pool.

You don’t have to live with persistent neck pain when you can do something about it. These tips are simple, natural and can easily be incorporated into your lifestyle. Go ahead and eliminate neck pain today.

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