Categories: Food

27 Best Foods to Buy at the Grocery Store

Best Foods

With the new year, there are lots of resolutions to lose weight. If that is you, one of the things that you need to try is what you buy. When you go to the grocery store, you need to find things that are healthy for you. It is a new year. With a new year comes new goals and new resolutions. If you have vowed to eat healthier this year, take a look at this list of these best foods that you can buy when you go to the grocery store. What you eat is one of the simplest things that you can do to make sure that you feel good about yourself. If you want to change your life, and the way you look, you need to change what you eat. Here is the list of the 49 healthiest grocery items.

1. Yogurt. This is a quick snack for on the go! Stash these in your fridge and you’ll be glad that you bought them!

2. Reduced fat cheese. This can help you if you want to lose some extra fat.

3. Reduced fat milk. You use milk almost daily, so make sure that it isn’t full of extra fatty things.

4. Egg replacement products. This is a great way to cut back on your calorie intake.

5. Apples. A great snack to go.

6. Bananas. A low-cal treat that won’t expand your waistline.

7. Oranges. Get these in season, and you’ll never want something sugary again.

8. Apricots. These are perfect with a dash of Splenda.

9. Bing cherries. Great for when you want to take a snack with you.

10. Strawberries. If you want to enjoy something more decadent, try these with light whipped cream.

11. Cantaloupe. A great summer treat that is full of water.

12. Blueberries. You can make great shakes with these yummy fruits.

13. Broccoli. Boil this for an intense flavor.

14. Watermelon. To experience the dog days of summer, eat this nutritious fruit.

15. Carrots. For a crunch snack that is satisfying, go to this orange guy!

16. Canned salmon. This is a great low-fat meal that is easy to make.

17. Popcorn. If you air pop your popcorn, you will save yourself a lot of calories, and you will still be able to eat a great snack.

18. Nuts. These are great to eat on the go. Nuts also have a ton of great nutritional benefits.

19. Graham crackers. If you are craving something sweeter, go for graham crackers.

20. Seeds. Savory seeds are choc-full of nutrients.

21. Trail mix. This mixes the perfect amound of sweetness with saltiness. Don’t eat too much, because it might be good for you, but not good in large amounts.

22. Apple sauce. A perfect solution to your sweet tooth.

23. Baked vegetable chips. If you still want to eat chips, but you don’t want the calories with them, try these! They are lighter, and taste just as good.

24. Dried fruits. This is a great way to get your fruit and ensure that it doesn’t go bad!

25. Pretzels. If you’ve got the munchies, this is a great snack to enjoy.

26. Granola bars. These can help you when you are running out the door and need something to eat.

27. Fruits that are canned in water. These taste the same as the ones that are soaked in sugar. Save yourself some calories and get the stuff soaked in water.

These are great options that you will be able to use when you are grocery shopping. All of these options will make you feel better about the food that you are eating. If you are feeling better about the food that you are eating, you will feel better about yourself. Instead of going to the grocery store when you are hungry, or you are craving, go at a safe time. If you are hungry, you will want to buy everything in sight. If you have a craving for something, you will only want to buy junk food. Go right after you’ve eaten (or you aren’t too hungry) when you are going to the grocery store. By changing the things that you buy at the grocery store, you will be able to prepare healthier meals that will help you on your weight loss journey.

About the Author
Tammi Jenkins is a writer for MyCollegesandCareers.com. My Colleges and Careers is a website that will help those seeking an education to find the best online colleges that can help them achieve their goals.

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