10 Healthcare Tweetchats to Participate In

Healthcare is a very hot issue right now. In the US, changes are being implemented every day thanks to Obamacare and the largest overhaul to our healthcare system since the creation of Medicare. Doctors are working together to come up with lower cost solutions to common treatments, and breakthroughs are made all the time globally, creating cures and vaccines for the most devastating diseases of our time.

Yes, there is no doubt that this is an exciting (and turbulent) time for the healthcare industry. If you want to keep up with it all, you have a great tool at your disposal. Twitter is a frequent host to chats, comments and news links about healthcare. But it is the tweetchats where you can really learn.

Here are ten much follows for anyone who wants to participate.

1. #BrainTumorThursday

Every Thursday there will be a day long chat going on, covering the latest news on treatments, diagnosis and research on brain tumors. It has discussions on both adult and pediatric tumors.

2. #HomeCareChat

Every other Tuesday at Noon CST, professional and non-professional homecare workers get together to discuss a part of the industry often ignored by discussion. Whether you are hired on to care for someone at home, or you are caring for a loved one with the help of a homecare nurse, this chat is for you.

3. #PPDChat

Postpartum Depression is a common illness that effects a large number of women. But it also effects their loved ones as all struggle to offer support and get past this very treatable condition. Whether you are a sufferer, know one or are treating one, you can get information in this chat every Monday at 1 PM and 8 PM EST.

4. #CHCchat

Community Health Centers are an important element of providing healthcare to the North American population. You can discuss this growing role in a weekly chat held Thursdays from 3PM – 4PM EST. It is run by the Association of Ontario Health Centres and the US National Association of Community Health Centers.

5. #BCSM

Breast cancer is one of the most devastating illnesses that common effects the population. The fight against it has been a major priority in the healthcare industry for years. Discuss the use of social media to spread awareness and information in this interesting weekly chat on Monday nights at 9PM EST.

6. #Otalk

Get together with other Occupational Therapists who are keen and happy to discuss everything having to do with the industry. From breakthroughs in the genre to changes in policy, you can find a lively discussion Tuesdays at 8-9 PM BST.

7. #HealthyChat

Austalian users (or those not afraid to stay up really late/get up really early) can check out this tweetchat every Tuesday at 8PM AEST. Discuss the industry with health professionals, get medical advice and more. It is hosted by the organization Bupa Australia.

8. #LupusChat

Started earlier this year, this tweetchat spread awareness and offers to support for both sufferers of Lupus and their loves ones. Join them to discuss treatment, breakthroughs, research, events or just to speak with people in the same situation. It is held every other Sunday at 3PM EST.

9. #NurChat

UK nurses unite! This tweetchat covers anything you could possibly need, between both new and veteran nurses. It is held alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 12PM GMT.

10. #HRSM

Harm Reduction is an important element of the healthcare industry. Workers in that field can learn how to utilize social media as a tool with this weekly chat on Thursdays. It is held at 10AM GMT.

If you are a frequenter of a healthcare tweetchat, we would be happy to get a recommendation. Let us know in the comments which one you see as a must-follow for industry news, treatment discussion, support or anything else related to health.

Author Byline: This post was written by Anna Fox, who is passionate about health, fitness, and self-improvement.

Anna Fox: Anna Fox is health and fitness blogger. She is passionate about healthy food and active lifestyle. Nowadays she is writing for a blog about sculpturing of your own body.
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