Categories: Health

Your Health Preventing Injury to Your Knees

Good knees and knee health are most important and essential to any busy person’s daily activities no doubt.  Add in a premium if you are sports minded.  Yet no one in their daily lives really relishes just how important and how much we depend on functioning and healthy knew joints until the body damage has been done.

It can be quite easy to injure your knees, and not always preventable. Yet if you take the extra efforts and time involved to follow the tips below a fair percentage of many of the injuries can be simply prevented.  Some simple ways to prevent knee injury and injuries.

First take off those extra pounds.  Men take off that inner tube around your stomach.  Avoid being overweight. Maybe it’s a simple matter of pushing yourself away from the table.

After all you should not be on a “see food” diet.

  • Restrict your dietary and caloric intake. Eat ½ that pizza a couple of slices rather than the whole pie.  Being overweight even so slightly will and does cause unnecessary extra stress on your knee joints.
  • As part of a weight loss or even simple fitness regime make it both an essential and strict pattern always to stretch fully before AND after excising. If in doubt on stretching exercises consult with your personal trainer or physiotherapist.

Work to strengthen the muscles around your knees. By regularly doing some knee specific exercises, the muscles around your knees will become ever stronger and able to take punishment better.  This will take much of the stress away from your actual knee joints.

It’s amazing what people expect of unattended muscle tone. Some time ago a former sports legend had a sustained swimming exercise program at his local Y.  He was slated for a hip replacement procedure.  As he explained his dedication to his swimming routine. Most people get the operation, have no muscle mass or tone what so ever. How on earth they expect to have good and full functional joint use after the operation is a mystery to me. You have to build up and maintain muscle mass and strength.

  • Swimming is good for me, since I have joint problems already. I am not putting weight on my joints unnecessarily. Plus water itself is buoyant.
  • Yet on the other side of the coin – pay conscious attention to alternate between different types of physical activities overall.

Make it a solid practice and habit to try alternating between different types of physical activity and activities themselves.  Inevitably this will be less stressful to your knees and additionally give them to rest and even heal.

  • As an example, you might run 3 times a week, but in between those events schedule in activities that are not directly weight bearing such as stationary cycling, water aerobics and swimming.

One other point of note, often unappreciated perhaps for cost, perhaps for laziness. Or perhaps people just are comfortable and like their old set of sneakers or gym shoes.

Always wear activity specific shoes or footwear.

Ensure that you are wearing shoes that offer adequate if not superior supports for your specific or individual activity, events or sport.

If you are running, wear proper running shoes.

As a note to Canadians “our friends to the North”.  The term “running shoes’ in Canada somehow is a Canadian slang term for what Americans call “sneakers”.  A running shoe is generally an all purpose non-specific form of footwear. For running use a specifically designed track or athletic shoe allocated and designated for that specific role.

  • Lastly always use “good form” in daily routines and especially when exercising or playing sports.  Never ever overextend your knees. Keep your knee joints in line with your ankles.  Don’t stay in one position for too long a time period, especially if you are kneeling (for example gardening around the yard, or tiling for example).  Get up and move around frequently constantly varying your position and stance.



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