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Why Australia Needs More Workers in Care Industries

Australia is a land of opportunity. It is a country that is diverse in culture, ethnicity, and industry. Australian workers are well paid, with one of the highest minimum wages in the developed world. There are lots of incentives to work hard – home ownership, good cars, technology and leisure activities – but there is one industry that needs more skilled workers, and that’s the care industry. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at exactly why Australia needs more workers in this industry.

An Aging Population

Australia has an aging population. As the baby boomers begin to retire and settle down the need for workers in aged care jobs will increase, especially as Australians do not traditionally leave the care of their elders to the family. In many Australian families, both mum and dad work, and the kids are at school, which makes taking their parents when they begin to age and require care difficult. This means that there will be a demand for skilled and qualified aged care staff as the population ages.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Nearly half of all Australians have experienced symptoms of mental illness. The annual cost to the country because of mental illness is in the ranges of $20 billion. This is a big deal as the mental health sector is under-resourced and overworked. Yet both state and federal governments recognise this and are committing more money and energy to funding services like suicide prevention and early intervention. This means that there is a growing mental health workforce.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Australia has a traditional culture of drinking, and unfortunately, this has the potential to turn into a serious problem when people overdo it. The same applies to both prescription and illicit drugs. Not everyone can control their use of substances and when they are ready to seek help, there needs to be a qualified and practised workforce ready to step in and offer therapeutic interventions.

Family Services

Unfortunately, not all families are happy, healthy and functional. Both women and men may face family violence, and not all children are raised in safe and secure places. There is a real need for high-quality workers in the family services space. While it is a tough job in many ways, this sector needs kind, caring and skilled workers to achieve the best outcomes for families.


With the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Australians with a disability have the opportunity to receive high levels of support like never before. Yet, at the moment, there is a shortfall of qualified staff to deliver these services. It is predicted that the NDIS industry will be one of the largest employers in Australia in the next few years as more and more people access the scheme.

To Conclude

As Australia’s population ages, the need for more aged care workers increases. Mental health workers are needed as many Australians experience a form of mental distress in their lifetimes. Alcohol and other drug abuse is a real issue requiring skilled workers and the disability sector needs trained staff, especially with the introduction of the revolutionary NDIS. So if you’re thinking of a career change or you’re new to the workforce, why not consider a new opportunity in the care sector?

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