Categories: Diets

Whole 30 Diet: What is it, The Plan Idea and Benefits

The Whole 30 diet is more of a vital health movement which is gradually increasing in popularity.

It motivates followers to cut down on alcohol, grains, sugar, dairy products, legumes and additives from their diet for a month and this is also advertised as an entire change of lifestyle. The followers vouch for its health benefits while the critics claim that it is nothing but just another diet fad which is going to waver off in no time. So, you must be wondering whether it works and whether you should follow it. Read on to know more on Whole 30 diet.

Whole 30 diet – What is it actually?

It is nothing but a month long clean eating program which promises a number of emotional and health benefits. In 2009, 2 eminent sports nutritionists who endorsed it as an effective way of resetting your metabolism and rejuvenating your relation with food. This specific diet believes that certain food groups have a negative impact on fitness and health. Hence, doing away with such foods from your diet will help your body to recover from the bad impacts and promote long term good health.

Following the Whole 30 diet plan – Is it tough?

The entire idea behind the Whole 30 diet plan is pretty simple as it cuts off food which can harm your health for a span of 30 days. After the first month, you’re allowed to slowly introduce the foods again into your diet and supervise the impact it has on your body. There is a strict list of allowed foods and not-allowed foods. Not abiding by the rules for even once would mean starting the challenge yet again from Day-1. Unlike other diets, you don’t need to track any calorie, count points and measure portions and you have to weigh yourself for the first 1 to 30 days of the program.

Potential benefits of the Whole 30 diet

Following the Whole 30 diet in the best manner for 30 days can have too many health benefits as the followers believe. These include higher levels of energy, fat loss, and better sleep and reduced cravings for food and great athletic performance. What’s even more, the founders of this diet promise that the followers will change the total way they thought about food and also their taste. Proponents of this diet even claim that it can change the extremely emotional relation which you share with your body and food.

Therefore, if you’re wondering about the results of the Whole 30 diet plan, click here for more information. Follow it strictly to reap the above mentioned benefits and stay fit.

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