What to Expect From Drug Rehab

Obviously, going to a drug rehabilitation facility can be an unnerving thought. The fact that you are giving up every minute of your present time to overcome an addiction in an unfamiliar place is unsettling, but you are making a decision for the best. After visiting rehab, your life will take a turn for the better and things will look up. Don’t be nervous about what’s to come as here is what you can expect from a drug rehab clinic.


If you are entering the clinic without drugs in your system, then this wouldn’t apply, but that’s usually not the case. Before rehabilitation can even begin, you have to be completely clean from drugs. This is where the detoxification process begins.

Depending on the severity of the addiction and the drug, it can be a short process or a long and stressful one. There will be some withdrawals, but there will be a staff on hand to help you get through that process. In some cases, it can take up to a week to become devoid of the drugs in your system, so with patience, it will pay off and you begin life anew.

Group Therapy

There will be a licensed expert that leads a group of recovering addicts and has them share their stories of how they got to this point and why they want to recover. This can be very emotional as some of the stories you hear will be heartbreaking, but they are necessary to take note of.

You will all share stories of your successes to this point and set up plans for the future. Whether it be for family, kids, spouses, etc. you will quickly realize why you are wanting to get clean and this is a great way to open up to peers that are going through similar situations as you with the same goal in mind.


Much like the group therapy, there will be a licensed expert. Instead of having them monitor the group and educate everyone about rehab and the dangers of drugs, they will be speaking with you one-on-one to get to the base of your addiction and what you can do to overcome it.

There’s no easy way of opening up to someone that much, but once you do, you will be glad you did. The stress relief of getting all of your problems out in the air can make the rehabilitation process much easier. A sympathetic and educated ear could be exactly what you need to get back on the right track.


Much like therapy, there will be many forms of stress relief available in these facilities. Stress can lead to possible relapse, so it is important to take your mind off of your addiction and the amenities in the clinic can help tremendously. Whether it is a fitness center (exercise releases stress reducing endorphins), a spa or even a recreational outdoor area, there are plenty of things for you to do to keep your mind from wandering.

You may not be there on vacation, but if you think of it that way, it’s going to bring your stress levels down and help you concentrate more on recovery than your addiction.

Follow Up Care

After the end of your visit, that’s not the end of your treatment. There will be follow up care provided that will allow you to speak with counselors and track your progress. It’s important to stay in touch with these professionals as they seek out what’s best for you.

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