Categories: Health

What to Do When Dealing With Symptoms of IBS

Have you been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome? You may experience a broad range of different symptoms that are associated with the condition, including constipation, random bouts of diarrhea, stomach cramping, and even bloating. It is something that you could have been dealing with silently for many years until you finally decided to speak with your primary care physician about everything you have been going through.

Know What Triggers Your Symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome can have such a negative impact on a person’s life. There is nothing quite as frustrating as trying to get out of the house to get to an appointment, work, or school on time only to suddenly feel the immediate urge to use the bathroom and then get stuck using the toilet. There are times when you have likely had to call out of work or miss school because of your symptoms. Unfortunately, the cause of this condition is currently unknown, but there are certain things that tend to trigger episodes. Figuring out what triggers your attacks is a great way to get started on improving the way you feel.

Some of the symptoms of IBS may occur because of things you have consumed. While fiber is genuinely good for you and it is something you should get enough of, eating too many foods that are high in fiber at one time could cause you to experience some of the frustrating side effects of this condition, including diarrhea, gassiness, or even constipation. There are other foods and beverages that are often triggers for those suffering from this condition, such as greasy food, alcohol, and soda.

Change Your Diet

Changing your diet could help you avoid some of the different symptoms so that you can feel a lot better. Before you start changing your diet, consider eating what you would normally eat while keeping a food journal. The food journal should contain details about every meal you have consumed each day throughout the span of at least one week. Aside from keeping track of what you are eating, you should keep track of any episodes that may have occurred on those days where you could have struggled to do something you planned to do because you were in too much pain to even leave the home.

Upon reviewing your food journal at the end of the week, you could have a much better idea of what foods and beverages are triggers for you. The next step to eliminating those side effects of IBS would be to make changes to your diet, consuming healthier foods that typically do not cause problems for you based on the information you have in your journal. For example, you may want to start consuming more gluten-free products while avoiding fast food and anything else that would normally cause you to experience stomach problems.

Know That You Are Not Alone

When struggling with irritable bowel syndrome, it is normal to feel like you are the only one going through this problem but there are many people who are struggling with similar issues. Knowing that you are not alone could make you feel a bit better about this diagnosis and could make you feel a bit more comfortable when talking to medical professionals about these problems you are experiencing. Your primary care physician may provide a referral to a gastroenterologist who could speak to you about the symptoms you are experiencing and recommend additional treatment options that could help you even further.

Living with irritable bowel syndrome is difficult but making note of your triggers and avoiding them is a great way to get some relief. Making some changes to your diet or using Bio Complete 3 could help, too. While many people suffer with this condition, not many people speak openly about it. If you are willing to speak about it with your physician, you can get even more professional advice on how to cope with this condition.

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