Wellness Toolbox: Stopping Stress With Self-Hypnosis

Stress and depression are deadly conditions if not treated properly. Researchers and everyday people are learning more and more how debilitating anxiety can become by reducing one’s quality of life, making it difficult for sufferers to form meaningful relationships, and even by shortening their lifespans. While many people suffer from stress and depression, finding a cure for these problems can be almost as stressful as the problem itself. Drugs and therapy, while providing relief for many people, often offer little more than temporary solutions. For those looking to be cured of their anxiety once and for all, self-hypnosis could provide an answer. This article will look at what self-hypnosis is, and why it is particularly useful in combating stress.

What is self-hypnosis?

When people think of hypnosis, they often think of magicians controlling peoples’ minds in order to make them do embarrassing things. As such, many people dismiss hypnosis as little more than a pseudo-science. This assumption, however, is wrong. In fact, the tricks performed by stage hypnotists would be considered downright unethical in the medical profession, where controlling another person against their will goes against all morality surrounding medical practice. Hypnosis, in fact, is not as unusual as people think it is. Monks go into a form of hypnosis when they pray, and even common daydreaming can be considered as a kind of hypnosis. Perhaps the best way to understand hypnosis is to consider the moment at night when a person is just about to drift off to sleep. Such a person is still conscious of his or her surroundings and able to make suggestions to him or herself. For example, he may, in this state, tell himself to wake up at six AM, and does so the following morning. This is, roughly speaking, a common example of self-hypnosis.


Using self-hypnosis to combat stress

Strictly speaking, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, since nobody can force a person into hypnosis. Therefore, a hypnotherapist is used as a guide to help people get themselves into a state of self-hypnosis. The reason hypnosis works so well to combat stress is because it goes to the very root of the problem that is causing the stress in the first place. Drugs, on the other hand, do little more than address the symptom rather than the cause. Meanwhile, therapy may provide some relief, but the problem is that humans are far too rational when they are consciously thinking about their problems, and when so much of stress cannot be attributed to rational problems, therapy tends to fail. Certain problems, may be rationally thought of as needing to cause no anxiety, and yet they do just that for many people. Hypnosis allows people to take their guards down and fully address the problem that is at the core of their anxiety.

By working with a qualified hypnotherapist, many people who suffer from stress and depression can begin to work themselves out of their anxiety and live happier lives. While many myths surround hypnosis, medical research is showing more and more that this treatment is an effective cure to many common forms of anxiety.

Leonardo Dawson is a holistic health consultant. On his days off, he enjoys blogging about alternative medicine. Visit the Securicaremedical.co.uk website for healthcare supply information.


Jeanie Price: Jeanie Price is Well-being and healthy lifestyle writer. In her free time, she would like to explore her knowledge in the healthcare industry.
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