Categories: Dental

Using Nature To Keep Your Teeth Shining

Americans have always been very conscious of their dental health. This is evident in studies, with the HPI reporting that 95% of Americans care about dental health. With poor dental hygiene linked to a variety of ailments, this is heartening news.

So, taking care of your teeth is important. But what if you want to do it naturally? In an industry typically dominated by chemicals, carbonates and medicated aids, it can be difficult – hopefully this article can shine a light on your options.

A Quick Sidenote

Before the options are truly delved into, a word on the importance of having a good dentist. Keeping your teeth clean at home is the absolute baseline and you need to be keeping on top of your dental health. This is important, as teeth are increasingly linked to overall health. Even if they look and feel fine, there could be underlying issues. Vibrant Dentistry have suggested that keeping on top of small, superficial issues via the dentist can be key to maintaining your overall health.

It’s also important to check on the quality of your dentist and compare it to others in the area. Physicians such as Dr Carl Metz DDS have in the past explained how dentists are constantly seeking to provide the best service in the local area. This is often through community engagement and awareness, making sure your teeth don’t come in contact with too much harmful stuff and therefore preventing damage.

Daily Hygiene – Baking Powder

Baking powder, and baking soda, have been constituent parts of many famous toothpaste brands and for good reason. They help to break up particles on your teeth and act in an antibacterial fashion, reducing the chance of nasty bugs building up in your mouth. You can mix the stuff with water, or into a paste, to make a mouthwash or paste of your liking. It can be a little bitter and soapy tasting, but if you dilute it sufficiently or use a natural, non-sugar sweetener like mint, you can have an all natural and effective remedy.

Coconut Oil Pulling

Coconut oil is one of those superfoods which you’ll have seen plastered all over the media in recent years. While the effects aren’t necessarily substantiated by science, it has been proven as an all-natural way to whiten your teeth. You could add it to your homemade paste or use it individually after eating, or as a regularly tonic, to get your teeth squeaky clean.

There are a lot of other ways to naturally clean your teeth. With a bit of care and background reading – you don’t want to put just anything your mouth! – you can keep your teeth working well without having to resort to harmful chemicals.

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