Why Yoga Fitness is on the Rise with Seniors

Why Yoga Fitness is on the Rise With Seniors

Yoga classes are becoming extremely popular with seniors because they offer a very viable method for alleviating pain, fatigue and stress. In the past, conventional wisdom questioned whether or not seniors would be physically capable of performing the necessary moves. However, it is now understood by doctors and physical therapists that the proper yoga moves can help increase a senior’s range of motion. Nevertheless, if you have any concerns about your ability to do yoga, you should consult with your primary care physician to get their advice. In most cases, your doctor will encourage you to move forward with a yoga class, and they will also let you know if you need to adhere to any specific restrictions.

Where Can I Take a Class?

There are several yoga centers that offer a wide variety of different courses, including some that are geared specifically toward seniors. Community centers in many major cities and suburban neighborhoods, alike, have been instrumental in providing classes mature adults for numerous years. For example, in addition to yoga, health professionals have provided assisted living Dunwoody GA citizens with various options for holistic wellness programs like Tai Chi and Qigong.

If you are considering moving into an assisted living facility, you should also inquire about whether or not a senior yoga class is offered on-site. If you would rather take a class with a mixture of age ranges, you can also enroll in a mixed class for beginners. Another great place to take up this exercise is your local YMCA. Keep in mind that there are forms of yoga that are taught to infants, and that means that almost everyone in the world is capable of enjoying the positive physical and emotional benefits that this ancient art offers.

Which Yoga Moves are the Best for Seniors?

Even though there are certain yoga moves that are easy for almost any senior to perform, every senior moves at their own pace. For this reason, yoga classes that are geared toward this age group fully embrace this sentiment. Many of these can be done in the privacy of your own home without any formal yoga training, but it is always best to work with an instructor at first to ensure that you are doing the moves correctly. If you are interested in giving yoga a try, you should consider starting with these three basic moves:

1) Staff Pose – This pose requires you to be able to get into a sitting position on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. It is a low-level pose that most beginners of all age groups are able to master.

2) Chair Pose – This standing pose will require you to lift your arms above your head while your lower half gets into a squatting position that resembles sitting in a chair.

3) Revolved Triangle Pose – This pose requires some limberness, and that can be intimidating at first. However, after you become confident with the first two poses, you should definitely ask your instructor to assist you with the proper formation for the Revolved Triangle Pose.

If you are curious about whether or not yoga is right for you, ask a local instructor if they offer the option to attend a class as a drop-in student. Once you see how easy and rewarding the entire process is, you are certain to ask for information about becoming a regular student.

Jamica Bell is a practitioner of yoga and an advocate of holistic wellness programs. Dogwood Forest is an assisted living Dunwoody GA facility that is dedicated to providing a nurturing and comfortable environment for its residents and peace of mind to their families. Their fully trained staff, wellness programs, and life enrichment activities are just a few services offered at this senior residence to support a healthy quality of life.

jamicajdb: Jamica Bell is a freelance writer who has a myriad of interest. She enjoys exploring new restaurants and trying different kinds of foods, dubbing herself a "restaurant critic". She is a home educator enjoys hiking, storytelling, and birdwatching. Additionally, she is an avid car lover and roller coaster junkie.
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