Rules or Attraction
Because of his belief that men are generally lacking in a more profound understanding of the opposite sex, they find it very difficult to attract women who they really want. Instead, they are forced into a situation where they simply have to be satisfied with women who pick them out. Contrary to popular belief, a woman does not really obsess on the physical attribute of a man. It is also unwise to believe that extreme flattery or showering a woman with all sorts of gifts will ultimately win her heart. These methods are only signs of insecurity and manipulation, which are definitely unattractive traits. Instead, women may find self-confidence, cheerfulness, and self-sufficiency a lot more admirable and can win a man more points in the attraction area.
Sound Advice
One trait men have that is being discouraged by DeAngelo is what he calls the “inner wuss.” What this basically means is that a man can be totally submissive with women, hoping that it could add to his appeal. This can actually produce a negative result as women are more likely to fall for a man who is more in control of himself and does not need to win anyone’s approval with regard to decisions he makes. Having a great sense of humor is a trait that is good to develop, but not of course to come off as cocky, or at the other end, dumb and goofy. There must be a good balance here. Being witty is a feature that a lot of women find very appealing, and is a sure sign of intelligence. Another lesson to be learned from what DeAngelo teaches is emulating people who are successful. When someone has attained a certain level in his life that is considered as admirable by many, he must be doing something right. Using this person as a model and trying to follow certain techniques he is practicing that have brought him to where he is definitely worth imitating. Ultimately, it could spell out success for the follower as well.
There is so much more to learn from David DeAngelo’s practical tips and suggestions, aside from those mentioned above. Check him out over the Internet and find out what he can do for you and how you can change the course of things in the dating and relationships area of your life too.
No one ever said dating was easy. To be honest, even with the best background check service, there is no guarantee of avoiding Mr. or Ms. Wrong. Get to know the person first-hand. You wouldn’t want to invest so much love and emotion on a person if you will just end up getting hurt.