Categories: Seniors

Retirement SOS: Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Think About It

Retirement is one of those things that we rarely sit back and think about. Until it’s too late and the year is looming. Why wouldn’t we want to think about the future? Even though it feels like years away, the preparation and plans you make now, could help provide a great time of your life. Retirement is where you leave your employed work. Time to relax and live a little. But the questions you need to ask yourself are how you will finance it? What will you do with your time?


This is why it is essential to make some plans for this time of your life. You want to have the opportunity to make the most of it. Which is why I thought it would be great to highlight to you what you can start to think about. Maybe some of these things will already be in place. Or it might just inspire you to take more notice of your current situation. I hope it helps you plan for that stage in your life. It will come round quicker than we think.


Your financial position

The biggest thing we don’t take into consideration when we retire is how we will finance ourselves. We can get so use to a wage coming in each month and forget that will stop. This is why the things we do now can have a huge impact on that stage of our lives. It can be the key to having a great lifestyle, or one with financial worry.



Pensions are great way to finance yourself through retirement. Many workplaces now offer schemes for employees to pay into out of their salary. Which is great as it takes that through process away. However, they will not always be a fruitful as some individual plans that you can. Seeking advice from a pension broker could offer you some great lucrative deals to pay in to. All of which will increase the amount of money you have to live during your retirement period. This will go on to fund your lifestyle. So that goes for food, your bills and any holiday plans you may have.


Some people consider investing now to create a nest egg for retirement. Most people tend to do this by buying a property. Specifically, the one they live in. Not only is it a great investment for the time you are living in it, but over the years you work to pay off the amount you borrowed to invest. Making it a profitable retirement pot for this period of your life. Having a house that only costs you the bills is a much better financial position to be in during the later years of life. Investments can be multiple properties. Perhaps ones that offer an income in the way of rentals. Or you could consider investing your savings into long term saving opportunities. Earning you more interest. There are plenty of things you could be doing now, that will help finance your later life.



Of course, not everyone has thousands to play with. This is why it’s important to try and save as much as you can. If you can afford to put away a small amount each week the over time this will add up. It could then be used to invest in something, or continue savings to give yourself a lump sum come retirement.

Having a will in place

Finally, it’s all well and good buying assets and investing money for your later life. But no one if it will be worth anything if you don’t protect yourself by getting a will in place. This ensures your estate, no matter how big or small, stays with your family and the people you want to have it. This goes for items of jewellery, property, lump sums of money. Whatever is important for you get it on your will and keep it updated as your situation changes. If you are unsure of how to go about it do some research online.


What about your care?

It’s always worth being positive about the future. But the truth be known we don’t know what the future has instore for us. We have no idea how the ageing process will affect us. We may develop illnesses or struggles. We may struggle with mobility or memory failure. It’s always worth thinking about our retirement as a happy time, where you get to enjoy life a little more. But have some ideas in place about how things will be if our health deteriorates. What do you want to happen?


Staying at home

You may want to stay at home if your health deteriorates. As long as the medical professionals think this is fine there are many scenarios where staying at home will be good for you. However, this is where you may need to consider having your home adapted to help out. Things like stair lifts, mobility aids and adaption to room sizes and extensions can all be something you could consider at that time. Many people get their homes adapted. If it makes for an easier life then why wouldn’t you?

Needing additional support

However, whether you stay at home or decide to take up residency in a home, some additional support and care may be needed. This might be for prescription medicines. Or therapy sessions, nursing care or general day to day visits from professionals. This is why things like Home Assist can help you out. Offering services to make this time of your life easier on you and everyone involved.


What to do with your time?

Now on to the good bit. When you retire what do you plan to do with your time? Well it’s simple you can do what you want, can’t you? Retirement is an opportunity and not something to waste. It’s your chance to do all the things that employment prohibited you from doing. What would you do?


Travelling is the biggest things retirees take advantage of when they enter retirement. They have the time to go on many holidays and see the world. Travelling is a great thing to do with your time. Many retirees consider all types of vacations. They can cruise for weeks at a time. Perhaps exploring different parts of the world that way. Or decide to have many different holidays spanning the whole year. From city breaks to beach vacations the world is your oyster. It’s a perfect chance to explore some of those destinations that may have been on your bucket list for some time.

Explore your bucket list

On the subject of exploring your bucket list. This is a great chance to not only travel to those wonderful destinations you have pining after for some time. But also experience those things that have been on there. Maybe it’s hiking somewhere, eating something or even doing something. Retirement gives you that chance to experience things. While of course hoping you have saved and made the necessary investments to ensure a secure financial future.

Take up a new hobby

If travelling isn’t for you, and perhaps you aren’t one for having a bucket list, then what are your options? Then consider starting up a new hobby. It’s a great chance to try something new or even take up something you gave up long ago. It’s important to develop a sense of community when you retire. To surround yourself with friends and family. Having a hobby enables you to socialise a little more and take you out of the mundane daily routine. Retirees can even be part of a team for something. Bowling and veteran sports always seem to be popular choices. Having a hobby can encourage you to continue an active life. Which is vitally important when you enter your senior years. It’s essential to have a healthy lifestyle to keep in good health.

Spend time with family

What retirement gives you, is time. So what better way to spend that but with family and friends. At this point you children may have grown up. You may have weddings to plan for and even grandchildren to welcome into the fold. Retirement offers you that chance to bond with the ones that are closest to you. The problem with life in your thirties and forties, is that it can get quite chaotic. You can easily forget what is important or just focus on loving rather than what is going on around you. Retirements enables you to take step back and enjoy the family you have raised. It may seem strange to consider grandchildren, perhaps at this point children may not have happened yet. But it’s nice to daydream and consider what the future has in store for you.

I hope these tips and advice helps you to consider your retirement in more detail. What it enables you to do is plan a little more. Ensuring that you make the most of that time in your life instead of panicking about it when the time comes. Why don’t you set yourself a little time today to think about your future?

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