Psychological Wellbeing at the Time of Covid-19: Pay Attention to Your Happiness

The world is in the middle of a pandemic and as is to be expected, there is chaos and change everywhere. When we combine the effects and fears which are originating from the entire situation, notwithstanding the potentially deadly impact of the epidemic itself, it does not come as a surprise that mental health problems have increased incrementally with each passing month, ever since the lockdowns began.

Photo by: geralt

Monitoring Happiness and the Importance of It

It’s not easy to stay happy in a time when millions of people are losing their jobs all around the world, and we cannot even mingle with others socially to share and lighten our burdens. If you can relate to that, then it is of the utmost importance to be able to stay aware of your own mental state, as well as that of others.

Vulnerable Adolescents

For adolescents in particular, who are not used to staying home for such long periods of time, depression and anxiety are becoming far too common. Before depression can set in and become a clinical condition, parents can help them seek online counseling at kentuckycounselingcenter.com. Parents and guardians should be watching out for symptoms of depression and anxiety in teenagers at this time by talking to them frequently. Be on a lookout for changes in their regular behavior, and especially for mood swings.

The Crushing Burden of Being an Adult Can be a Cause for Mental Health Problems

Being an adult is never easy, and especially if you have a family to look out for in this period of massive job cuts. Children, teenagers and even young adults will look up to a mature member of the family for solutions that they may not be able to provide. Therefore, it is important that adults do not compress it all down inside as that will not help. Seek out professional counselling online, talk with your spouse or a friend over the phone and vent your emotions from time to time. It’s better not to let the children see what you are going through, but other adults could actually be able to help in more ways than one.

Attempts at Staying Happy: Communication and Unification

In addition to professional help, the family itself can try to make the situation feel better by simply opening up all channels of communication. The more people talk to each other in a family, the less likely are they to be burdened with the present situation, but it’s better to avoid talking about the pandemic all the time.

The next method is that of unification, since human beings are social animals. The degree of social mingling they require can vary from person to person, but everyone needs social contact to stay mentally sound. If people are locked in together indefinitely, it is imperative to establish a few unifying activities such as eating meals together and even playing video games together. The general idea should be to look out for each other’s happiness and join each other in their preferred activities every now and then.

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